
侧 [ce4 zhai1]


汉字:侧 / 拼音:ce4 zhai1

the side/ to incline towards/ to lean/ inclined/ lateral/ side
zhāi lean on one side


一侧化一側化yi1 ce4 hua4lateralization
二侧二側er4 ce4two sides
ce4the side/ to incline towards/ to lean/ inclined/ lateral/ side
zhai1lean on one side
侧刀旁側刀旁ce4 dao1 pang2name of the lateral "knife" radical 刂[dao1] in Chinese characters (Kangxi radical 18), occurring in 到[dao4], 利[li4], 別|别[bie2] etc
侧壁側壁ce4 bi4side wall
侧室側室ce4 shi4sideroom/ concubine
侧写側寫ce4 xie3to profile/ profile/ (offender) profiling
侧影側影ce4 ying3profile/ silhouette
侧根側根ce4 gen1lateral root (botany)
侧生动物側生動物ce4 sheng1 dong4 wu4parazoan (animal of the subkingdom Parazoa, mostly sponges)
侧目側目ce4 mu4to raise eyebrows/ to cast sidelong glances (expressing fear or indignation)/ shocked/ surprised
侧空翻側空翻ce4 kong1 fan1aerial cartwheel/ side somersault
侧耳側耳ce4 er3to bend an ear (to)/ to listen
侧卧側臥ce4 wo4to lie on one's side
侧芽側芽ce4 ya2axillary bud
侧身側身ce4 shen1(to stand or move) sideways
侧躺側躺ce4 tang3to lie down (on one's side)
侧边栏側邊欄ce4 bian1 lan2a side-bar (in software)
侧重側重ce4 zhong4to place particular emphasis on
侧重点側重點ce4 zhong4 dian3main point/ emphasis
侧锋側鋒ce4 feng1oblique attack (brush movement in painting)
侧录側錄ce4 lu4to capture data/ to record illicitly/ data skimming
侧链側鏈ce4 lian4side chain (used in classifying amino acids)
侧门側門ce4 men2side door
侧面側面ce4 mian4lateral side/ side/ aspect/ profile
倾侧傾側qing1 ce4to lean to one side/ slanting
两侧兩側liang3 ce4two sides/ both sides
两侧对称兩側對稱liang3 ce4 dui4 chen4bilateral symmetry
北侧北側bei3 ce4north side/ north face




2021-05-06, 420👍, 0💬