
例 [li4]


汉字:例 / 拼音:li4

example/ precedent/ rule/ case/ instance


下不为例下不為例xia4 bu4 wei2 li4not to be repeated/ not to be taken as a precedent/ just this once
事例事例shi4 li4example/ exemplar/ typical case
li4example/ precedent/ rule/ case/ instance
例假例假li4 jia4legal holiday/ (euphemism) menstrual leave/ menstrual period
例句例句li4 ju4example sentence
例外例外li4 wai4exception/ to be an exception
例外字例外字li4 wai4 zi4exception(s)
例如例如li4 ru2for example/ for instance/ such as
例子例子li4 zi5case/ (for) instance/ example/ CL:個|个[ge4]
例会例會li4 hui4regular meeting
例汤例湯li4 tang1soup of the day
例示例示li4 shi4to exemplify
例行例行li4 xing2routine (task, procedure etc)/ as usual
例行公事例行公事li4 xing2 gong1 shi4routine business/ usual practice/ mere formality
例言例言li4 yan2introductory remarks
例语例語li4 yu3example sentence
例证例證li4 zheng4example/ case in point
例题例題li4 ti2problem or question solved for illustrative purposes in the classroom/ practice question (used in preparation for an exam)/ sample question
修例修例xiu1 li4to amend an ordinance (abbr. for 修改條例|修改条例[xiu1 gai3 tiao2 li4])
个例個例ge4 li4specific example/ rare instance
先例先例xian1 li4antecedent/ precedent
凡例凡例fan2 li4notes on the use of a book/ guide to the reader
出席表决比例出席表決比例chu1 xi2 biao3 jue2 bi3 li4proportion of those present and voting
判例判例pan4 li4judicial precedent
判例法判例法pan4 li4 fa3case law
前例前例qian2 li4precedent
反例反例fan3 li4counterexample
史无前例史無前例shi3 wu2 qian2 li4unprecedented in history
向例向例xiang4 li4custom/ usual practice/ convention up to now
图例圖例tu2 li4legend (of a map, etc)/ diagram/ illustration/ graphical symbol




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