
任 [Ren2 ren4]


汉字:任 / 拼音:Ren2 ren4

rén surname Ren/ Ren County 任縣|任县[Ren2 Xian4] in Hebei
rèn to assign/ to appoint/ to take up a post/ office/ responsibility/ to let/ to allow/ to give free rein to/ no matter (how, what etc)/ classifier for terms served in office, or for spouses, girlfriends etc (as in 前任男友)


上任上任shang4 ren4to take office/ previous (incumbent)/ predecessor
下任下任xia4 ren4next office holder/ next to serve
不信任动议不信任動議bu4 xin4 ren4 dong4 yi4motion of no confidence (against the government, in parliamentary debates)
不信任投票不信任投票bu4 xin4 ren4 tou2 piao4vote of no-confidence
不信任案不信任案bu4 xin4 ren4 an4no-confidence motion
中航技进出口有限责任公司中航技進出口有限責任公司Zhong1 hang2 ji4 Jin4 chu1 kou3 You3 xian4 Ze2 ren4 Gong1 si1China National Aero-Technology Import & Export Corporation (CATIC)
主任主任zhu3 ren4director/ head/ CL:個|个[ge4]
Ren2surname Ren/ Ren County 任縣|任县[Ren2 Xian4] in Hebei
ren4to assign/ to appoint/ to take up a post/ office/ responsibility/ to let/ to allow/ to give free rein to/ no matter (how, what etc)/ classifier for terms served in office, or for spouses, girlfriends etc (as in 前任男友)
任一任一ren4 yi1any/ either
任一个任一個ren4 yi1 ge5any one of (a list of possibilities)
任丘市任丘市Ren2 qiu1 Shi4Renqiu county level city in Cangzhou 滄州|沧州[Cang1 zhou1], Hebei
任事任事ren4 shi4appointment to an important post
任人任人ren4 ren2to appoint (sb to a post)
任人唯亲任人唯親ren4 ren2 wei2 qin1to appoint people by favoritism (idiom); nepotism/ corrupt appointment
任人唯贤任人唯賢ren4 ren2 wei2 xian2to appoint people according to their merits (idiom); appointment on the basis of ability and integrity
任人宰割任人宰割ren4 ren2 zai3 ge1to get trampled on (idiom)/ to be taken advantage of
任令任令ren4 ling4to allow (sth to happen)
任何任何ren4 he2any/ whatever/ whichever/ whatsoever
任便任便ren4 bian4as you see fit/ to do as one likes
任侠任俠ren4 xia2chivalrous/ helping the weak for the sake of justice
任免任免ren4 mian3to appoint and dismiss
任内任內ren4 nei4period in office
任其自然任其自然ren4 qi2 zi4 ran2to let things take their course (idiom)/ to leave it to nature/ laissez-faire
任务任務ren4 wu5mission/ assignment/ task/ duty/ role/ CL:項|项[xiang4],個|个[ge4]
任务栏任務欄ren4 wu5 lan2taskbar (computing)
任劳任怨任勞任怨ren4 lao2 ren4 yuan4to work hard without complaint (idiom)
任命任命ren4 ming4to appoint/ (job) appointment/ CL:紙|纸[zhi3]
任命状任命狀ren4 ming4 zhuang4certificate of appointment (to government office)
任咎任咎ren4 jiu4to take the blame




2021-05-02, 572👍, 0💬