
<< < 5564 5565 5566 5567 5568 5569   ∑:133647  排序:总分

PU [P U]
简体:PU / 繁体:PU / 拼音:P U
2021-04-05, 332🔥, 0💬

421 [si4 er4 yi1]
简体:421 / 繁体:421 / 拼音:si4 er4 yi1
2021-04-05, 322🔥, 0💬

word [w o r d]
简体:word / 繁体:word / 拼音:w o r d
2021-04-05, 318🔥, 0💬

NG [N G]
简体:NG / 繁体:NG / 拼音:N G
2021-04-05, 298🔥, 0💬

Tony [t o n y]
简体:Tony / 繁体:Tony / 拼音:t o n y
2021-04-05, 288🔥, 0💬

IP [I P]
简体:IP / 繁体:IP / 拼音:I P
2021-04-05, 286🔥, 0💬

PK [P K]
简体:PK / 繁体:PK / 拼音:P K
2021-04-05, 275🔥, 0💬

简体:CJB / 繁体:CJB / 拼音:C J B
2021-04-05, 273🔥, 0💬

简体:VCR / 繁体:VCR / 拼音:V C R
2021-04-05, 272🔥, 0💬

996 [jiu3 jiu3 liu4]
简体:996 / 繁体:996 / 拼音:jiu3 jiu3 liu4
2021-04-05, 223🔥, 0💬

CEDICT (Chinese-English DICTionary)
Resources related to CEDICT (Chinese-English DICTionary: CC-CEDICT (Creative Commons - CEDICT) Online Tools with CC-CEDICT   ⇒ CC-CEDICT (Creative Commons - CEDICT) ⇐ Chinese English Dictionary Resources ⇑⇑ Chinese English Dictionary Resources
2021-04-05, 983🔥, 0💬

Search Interface to CC-CEDICT
How to use CC-CEDICT Chinese English Dictionary? Enter a simple word in Chinese or English, and click the "Search" button. All matched entries will be displayed in the result area. Matched Entries from CC-CEDICT: Note: Chinese English Dictionary data is provided by CC-CEDICT .   ⇒ Chinese Pinyin Gen...
2021-04-05, 7781🔥, 0💬

Online Tools with CC-CEDICT
There are many online tools that are based on CC-CEDICT. Here are some examples: 1. CC-CEDICT Editor at https://cc-cedict.org/editor - The CC-CEDICT Editor allows you to search and editing any existing entries, or adding a new entry to CC-CEDICT. 2. CC-CEDICT Lookup at https://www.mdbg.net/chinese/d ...
2021-04-05, 1846🔥, 0💬

CC-CEDICT (Creative Commons - CEDICT)
What Is CC-CEDICT (Creative Commons - CEDICT)? CC-CEDICT is a continuation (under a Creative Commons license) of the CEDICT (Chinese English DICTionary) project, which was to create an online, downloadable (as opposed to searchable-only) public-domain Chinese-English dictionary. CEDICT was started b...
2021-04-05, 1139🔥, 0💬

Implementting Web Interface to CEDICT
Here is my own implementation of Web interface to CEDICT: Search Interface to CC-CEDICT Chinese Pinyin Generator   ⇒ Search Interface to CC-CEDICT ⇐ Online Tools with CC-CEDICT ⇑⇑ Chinese English Dictionary Resources
2021-04-05, 725🔥, 0💬

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