
驻 [zhu4]


汉字:驻 / 拼音:zhu4

zhù to halt/ to stay/ to be stationed (of troops, diplomats etc)


中央人民政府驻香港特别行政区联络办公室中央人民政府駐香港特別行政區聯絡辦公室Zhong1 yang1 Ren2 min2 Zheng4 fu3 Zhu4 Xiang1 gang3 Te4 bie2 Xing2 zheng4 qu1 Lian2 luo4 Ban4 gong1 shi4Liaison Office of the Central People's Government in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
屯驻屯駐tun2 zhu4to be stationed/ to be quartered
常驻常駐chang2 zhu4resident/ permanent (representative)
派驻派駐pai4 zhu4to dispatch (sb) in an official capacity/ to be posted (as an ambassador, foreign correspondent etc)
留驻留駐liu2 zhu4to keep stationed (of troops)/ to remain as a garrison
进驻進駐jin4 zhu4to enter and garrison/ (fig.) to establish a presence in
青春永驻青春永駐qing1 chun1 yong3 zhu4to stay young forever
zhu4to halt/ to stay/ to be stationed (of troops, diplomats etc)
驻京駐京zhu4 Jing1(abbr.) stationed in Beijing
驻北京駐北京zhu4 Bei3 jing1stationed in Beijing
驻地駐地zhu4 di4station/ encampment
驻大陆駐大陸zhu4 da4 lu4stationed on the continent (i.e. PRC)
驻守駐守zhu4 shou3(man a post and) defend
驻波駐波zhu4 bo1standing wave
驻港駐港zhu4 gang3(abbr.) stationed in Hong Kong
驻留駐留zhu4 liu2to stay/ to remain/ to linger/ (computing) to reside/ resident (program etc)
驻节駐節zhu4 jie2resident/ permanently stationed
驻扎駐紮zhu4 zha1to station/ to garrison (troops)
驻华駐華zhu4 hua2stationed in China/ located in China
驻足駐足zhu4 zu2to stop (walking)/ to halt
驻车制动器駐車制動器zhu4 che1 zhi4 dong4 qi4parking brake
驻军駐軍zhu4 jun1to station or garrison troops/ garrison
驻颜駐顏zhu4 yan2to maintain a youthful appearance
驻马店駐馬店Zhu4 ma3 dian4Zhumadian prefecture level city in Henan
驻马店地区駐馬店地區Zhu4 ma3 dian4 di4 qu1Zhumadian prefecture in Henan
驻马店市駐馬店市Zhu4 ma3 dian4 shi4Zhumadian prefecture level city in Henan
驻点駐點zhu4 dian3stationary point



2021-05-25, 420👍, 0💬