
雌 [ci2]


汉字:雌 / 拼音:ci2

female/ Taiwan pr. [ci1]


一决雌雄一決雌雄yi1 jue2 ci2 xiong2to have a show-down/ to fight for mastery/ to compete for a championship
信口雌黄信口雌黃xin4 kou3 ci2 huang2to speak off the cuff/ to casually opine
妄下雌黄妄下雌黃wang4 xia4 ci2 huang2to alter a text indiscriminately (idiom)/ to make irresponsible criticism
孤雌生殖孤雌生殖gu1 ci2 sheng1 zhi2parthenogenesis (biol. a female reproducing without fertilization)
决一雌雄決一雌雄jue2 yi1 ci2 xiong2see 一決雌雄|一决雌雄[yi1 jue2 ci2 xiong2]
ci2female/ Taiwan pr. [ci1]
雌三醇雌三醇ci2 san1 chun2estriol
雌性雌性ci2 xing4female
雌性接口雌性接口ci2 xing4 jie1 kou3female connector
雌性激素雌性激素ci2 xing4 ji1 su4estrogen
雌激素雌激素ci2 ji1 su4estrogen
雌狮雌獅ci2 shi1lioness
雌蕊雌蕊ci2 rui3pistil
雌雄雌雄ci2 xiong2male and female
雌雄同体雌雄同體ci2 xiong2 tong2 ti3hermaphrodite
雌雄同体人雌雄同體人ci2 xiong2 tong2 ti3 ren2a hermaphrodite
雌雄同体性雌雄同體性ci2 xiong2 tong2 ti3 xing4hermaphroditism
雌雄异色雌雄異色ci2 xiong2 yi4 se4sexual coloration
雌体雌體ci2 ti3female of a species
雌鹿雌鹿ci2 lu4doe
雌黄雌黃ci2 huang2orpiment/ arsenic trisulfide As2S3/ make changes in writing/ malign/ criticize without grounds



2021-05-31, 423👍, 0💬