
阮 [Ruan3 ruan3]


汉字:阮 / 拼音:Ruan3 ruan3

ruǎn surname Ruan/ small state during the Shang Dynasty (1600-1046 BC) located in the southeast of modern-day Gansu Province
ruǎn ruan, a four-stringed Chinese lute


中阮中阮zhong1 ruan3zhongruan or alto lute, like pipa 琵琶 but bigger and lower range
大阮大阮da4 ruan3daruan or bass lute, like pipa 琵琶 and zhongruan 中阮 but bigger and lower range
Ruan3surname Ruan/ small state during the Shang Dynasty (1600-1046 BC) located in the southeast of modern-day Gansu Province
ruan3ruan, a four-stringed Chinese lute
阮元阮元Ruan3 Yuan2scholar-official in the Qing dynasty (1764-1849)
阮咸阮咸ruan3 xian2see 阮[ruan3]
阮安阮安Ruan3 An1Nguyen An (1381-1453), aka Ruan An, Vietnamese architect and engineer, principal designer of the Forbidden City
阮崇武阮崇武Ruan3 Chong2 wu3Ruan Chongwu (1933-), third governor of Hainan
阮晋勇阮晉勇Ruan3 Jin4 yong3Nguyễn Tấn Dũng (1949-), prime minister of Vietnam 2006-2016
阮琴阮琴ruan3 qin2see 阮[ruan3]



2021-06-05, 464👍, 0💬