
銜 [xian2]


汉字:銜 / 拼音:xian2

xián bit (of a bridle)/ to hold in the mouth/ to harbor (feelings)/ to link/ to accept/ rank/ title


名衔名銜ming2 xian2rank/ title
学衔學銜xue2 xian2academic title/ rank
官衔官銜guan1 xian2title/ official rank
授衔授銜shou4 xian2rank of professor/ academic title
燕子衔泥垒大窝燕子銜泥壘大窩yan4 zi5 xian2 ni2 lei3 da4 wo1the swallow's nest is built one beakful of mud at a time (idiom)/ many a little makes a mickle
结草衔环結草銜環jie2 cao3 xian2 huan2to repay sb's kind acts (idiom)
职衔職銜zhi2 xian2title (position within an organization)
警衔警銜jing3 xian2police rank
军衔軍銜jun1 xian2army rank/ military rank
钳马衔枚鉗馬銜枚qian2 ma3 xian2 mei2with horses and soldiers gagged (idiom)/ (of a marching army) in utter silence
xian2bit (of a bridle)/ to hold in the mouth/ to harbor (feelings)/ to link/ to accept/ rank/ title
衔接銜接xian2 jie1to join together/ to combine
领衔領銜ling3 xian2leading (role)/ heading list of signatories/ leading actors (in a show)/ starring
领衔主演領銜主演ling3 xian2 zhu3 yan3leading actors (in a show)/ starring
头衔頭銜tou2 xian2title/ rank/ appellation
马衔馬銜ma3 xian2bit/ mouthpiece



2021-06-04, 478👍, 0💬