
贊 [zan4]


汉字:贊 / 拼音:zan4

zàn to patronize/ to support/ to praise/ (Internet slang) to like (an online post on Facebook etc)


一辞莫赞一辭莫贊yi1 ci2 mo4 zan4left speechless by sth perfect (idiom)
不赞一词不贊一詞bu4 zan4 yi1 ci2to keep silent/ to make no comment
不赞成不贊成bu4 zan4 cheng2disapproval/ to disapprove
传赞傳贊zhuan4 zan4postscript to a biography
参赞參贊can1 zan4to serve as an adviser/ (diplomatic rank) attaché/ counselor
大政翼赞会大政翼贊會Da4 zheng4 Yi4 zan4 hui4Taisei Yokusankai, Japanese fascist organization created in 1940
松赞干布松贊干布Song1 zan4 Gan4 bu4Songtsen Gampo or Songzain Gambo (604-650) Tibetan emperor, founder of the Tubo 吐蕃 dynasty
松赞干布陵松贊干布陵Song1 zan4 Gan4 bu4 ling2the tomb of Tibetan king Songtsen Gampo or Songzain Gambo in Lhoka prefecture
梁赞梁贊Liang2 zan4Ryazan, Russian town
比赞比贊bi3 zan4to give a thumbs-up
激赞激贊ji1 zan4extreme praise
翦伯赞翦伯贊Jian3 Bo2 zan4Jian Bozan (1898-1968), Chinese Marxist historian and vice-president of Bejing University 1952-1968
夸赞誇贊kua1 zan4to praise/ to speak highly of/ to commend
zan4to patronize/ to support/ to praise/ (Internet slang) to like (an online post on Facebook etc)
赞不绝口贊不絕口zan4 bu4 jue2 kou3to praise without cease (idiom); praise sb to high heaven
赞丹贊丹Zan4 dan1Zaandam (town in Netherlands)
赞助贊助zan4 zhu4to support/ to assist/ to sponsor
赞助商贊助商zan4 zhu4 shang1sponsor
赞同贊同zan4 tong2to approve of/ to endorse/ (vote) in favor
赞叹不已贊嘆不已zan4 tan4 bu4 yi3to be full of praise (idiom)
赞成贊成zan4 cheng2to approve/ to endorse/ (literary) to assist
赞成票贊成票zan4 cheng2 piao4approval/ affirmative vote
赞普贊普zan4 pu3(hist.) title of the Tibetan Tufan ruler
赞比亚贊比亞Zan4 bi3 ya4Zambia
赞皇贊皇Zan4 huang2Zanhuang county in Shijiazhuang 石家莊|石家庄[Shi2 jia1 zhuang1], Hebei
赞皇县贊皇縣Zan4 huang2 xian4Zanhuang county in Shijiazhuang 石家莊|石家庄[Shi2 jia1 zhuang1], Hebei
赞西佩贊西佩Zan4 xi1 pei4Xanthippe, Socrates' wife
赞词贊詞zan4 ci2praise
赞誉贊譽zan4 yu4to praise/ recognition
赞辞贊辭zan4 ci2praise




2021-05-08, 438👍, 0💬