
译 [yi4]


汉字:译 / 拼音:yi4

to translate/ to interpret


中译语通中譯語通Zhong1 yi4 Yu3 tong1Global Tone Communication Technology Co., Ltd (GTCOM), Chinese big data and AI company
互译互譯hu4 yi4two-way translation
今译今譯jin1 yi4modern language version/ modern translation/ contemporary translation
借译借譯jie4 yi4loan translation/ to calque
借译词借譯詞jie4 yi4 ci2calque
传译傳譯chuan2 yi4to translate/ to interpret
即指即译即指即譯ji2 zhi3 ji2 yi4point-and-translate (computing)
口译口譯kou3 yi4interpreting
口译员口譯員kou3 yi4 yuan2interpreter/ oral translator
同步口译同步口譯tong2 bu4 kou3 yi4simultaneous interpretation (Tw)
同声传译同聲傳譯tong2 sheng1 chuan2 yi4simultaneous interpretation
同声翻译同聲翻譯tong2 sheng1 fan1 yi4simultaneous translation
形译形譯xing2 yi4derivation of a Chinese loanword from Japanese by using the same characters (or variants) but applying Chinese pronunciation (e.g. 場合|场合[chang3 he2], derived from Japanese 場合, pronounced "ba'ai")
意译意譯yi4 yi4meaning (of foreign expression)/ translation of the meaning (as opposed to literal translation 直譯|直译)/ paraphrase/ free translation
摘译摘譯zhai1 yi4quoted (from)/ translation of selected passages
改译改譯gai3 yi4to correct (improve) a translation
机器翻译機器翻譯ji1 qi4 fan1 yi4machine translation
机械翻译機械翻譯ji1 xie4 fan1 yi4machine translation
汉英互译漢英互譯Han4 Ying1 hu4 yi4Chinese and English two-way translation
直译直譯zhi2 yi4literal translation
直译器直譯器zhi2 yi4 qi4interpreter (computing)
破译破譯po4 yi4to break a code/ to crack a riddle/ to solve an enigma/ a breakthrough
笔译筆譯bi3 yi4written translation
编译編譯bian1 yi4to translate and edit/ translator-editor/ (computing) to compile (source code)
编译器編譯器bian1 yi4 qi4compiler
编译家編譯家bian1 yi4 jia1translator and editor
义译義譯yi4 yi4formation of a loanword using a combination of characters or words that suggests its meaning (as opposed to transliteration 音譯|音译[yin1 yi4]) (e.g. 超文本[chao1 wen2 ben3], 火車|火车[huo3 che1])
翻译翻譯fan1 yi4to translate/ to interpret/ translator/ interpreter/ translation/ interpretation/ CL:個|个[ge4],位[wei4],名[ming2]
翻译家翻譯家fan1 yi4 jia1translator (of writings)
翻译者翻譯者fan1 yi4 zhe3translator/ interpreter




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