
識 [shi2 zhi4]


汉字:識 / 拼音:shi2 zhi4

shí to know/ knowledge/ Taiwan pr. [shi4]
zhì to record/ to write a footnote


一丁不识一丁不識yi1 ding1 bu4 shi2illiterate/ ignorant
一字不识一字不識yi1 zi4 bu4 shi2totally illiterate
一般见识一般見識yi1 ban1 jian4 shi5to lower oneself to sb's level/ to argue with sb less well-informed
下意识下意識xia4 yi4 shi2subconscious mind
不怕不识货,只怕货比货不怕不識貨,只怕貨比貨bu4 pa4 bu4 shi2 huo4 , zhi3 pa4 huo4 bi3 huo4lit. don't worry about not knowing goods, but about comparing them (proverb)/ fig. goods' (or person's) true value can only be determined through comparison
不怕不识货,就怕货比货不怕不識貨,就怕貨比貨bu4 pa4 bu4 shi2 huo4 , jiu4 pa4 huo4 bi3 huo4lit. don't worry about not knowing goods, but about comparing them (proverb)/ fig. goods' (or person's) true value can only be determined through comparison
不打不成相识不打不成相識bu4 da3 bu4 cheng2 xiang1 shi2don't fight, won't make friends (idiom); an exchange of blows may lead to friendship
不打不相识不打不相識bu4 da3 bu4 xiang1 shi2lit. don't fight, won't make friends (idiom); an exchange of blows may lead to friendship/ no discord, no concord
不识一丁不識一丁bu4 shi2 yi1 ding1total illiterate/ unable to read the simplest characters
不识大体不識大體bu4 shi2 da4 ti3to fail to see the larger issue (idiom)/ to fail to grasp the big picture
不识好歹不識好歹bu4 shi2 hao3 dai3unable to tell good from bad (idiom)/ undiscriminating
不识字不識字bu4 shi2 zi4illiterate
不识庐山真面目不識廬山真面目bu4 shi4 Lu2 shan1 zhen1 mian4 mu4lit. not to know the true face of Lushan Mountain/ fig. can't see the forest for the trees
不识抬举不識抬舉bu4 shi2 tai2 ju3fail to appreciate sb's kindness/ not know how to appreciate favors
不识时务不識時務bu4 shi2 shi2 wu4to show no understanding of the times (idiom); cannot adapt to current circumstances/ not amenable to reason
不识时变不識時變bu4 shi2 shi2 bian4to show no understanding of the times (idiom); cannot adapt to current circumstances/ not amenable to reason
不识泰山不識泰山bu4 shi2 Tai4 Shan1can't recognize Mt Taishan (idiom); fig. not to recognize a famous person
不识高低不識高低bu4 shi2 gao1 di1can't recognize tall or short (idiom); doesn't know what's what
世界知识产权组织世界知識產權組織Shi4 jie4 Zhi1 shi2 Chan3 quan2 Zu3 zhi1World Intellectual Property Organization
九二共识九二共識Jiu3 Er4 Gong4 shi21992 Consensus, statement issued after 1992 talks between PRC and Taiwan representatives, asserting that there is only one China
似曾相识似曾相識si4 ceng2 xiang1 shi2déjà vu (the experience of seeing exactly the same situation a second time)/ seemingly familiar/ apparently already acquainted
元语言学意识元語言學意識yuan2 yu3 yan2 xue2 yi4 shi2metalinguistic awareness
光学字符识别光學字符識別guang1 xue2 zi4 fu2 shi2 bie2optical character recognition, OCR
公共知识分子公共知識分子gong1 gong4 zhi1 shi5 fen4 zi3public intellectual (sometimes used derogatorily)
共识共識gong4 shi2common understanding/ consensus
冷知识冷知識leng3 zhi1 shi5trivia
前意识前意識qian2 yi4 shi2preconscious/ preconsciousness
卓识卓識zhuo2 shi2superior judgment/ sagacity
博闻多识博聞多識bo2 wen2 duo1 shi2learned and erudite/ knowledgeable and experienced
博闻强识博聞強識bo2 wen2 qiang2 shi2erudite/ widely read and knowledgeable




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