
诚 [cheng2]


汉字:诚 / 拼音:cheng2

chéng sincere/ authentic/ really/ truly


一秉虔诚一秉虔誠yi1 bing3 qian2 cheng2earnestly and sincerely (idiom); devoutly
不诚实不誠實bu4 cheng2 shi2dishonest
坦诚坦誠tan3 cheng2candid/ frank/ plain dealing
坦诚相见坦誠相見tan3 cheng2 xiang1 jian4to trust one another fully/ to treat sb with sincerity
孟思诚孟思誠Meng4 Si1 cheng2Maeng Saseong (1360-1438), Korean politician of the Goryeo-Joseon transition, famous for his honesty and wisdom
实诚實誠shi2 cheng2sincere/ honest
巧诈不如拙诚巧詐不如拙誠qiao3 zha4 bu4 ru2 zhuo1 cheng2the unvarnished truth is better than a cunning ruse (idiom)/ honesty is the best policy
心悦诚服心悅誠服xin1 yue4 cheng2 fu2to submit cheerfully/ to accept willingly (idiom)
忠诚忠誠zhong1 cheng2devoted/ loyal/ fidelity/ loyalty
投诚投誠tou2 cheng2to defect/ to surrender/ to capitulate
掬诚掬誠ju1 cheng2wholeheartedly/ sincerely
挚诚摯誠zhi4 cheng2sincere
李嘉诚李嘉誠Li3 Jia1 cheng2Sir Li Ka-shing (1928-), Hong Kong businessman
李诚恩李誠恩Li3 Cheng2 en1Euna Li, US-Korean woman journalist imprisoned as spy by North Korea in 2009
热诚熱誠re4 cheng2devotion/ fervor
真诚真誠zhen1 cheng2true/ sincere/ genuine
竭诚竭誠jie2 cheng2wholeheartedly
精诚精誠jing1 cheng2sincerity/ absolute good faith
精诚所加,金石为开精誠所加,金石為開jing1 cheng2 suo3 jia1 , jin1 shi2 wei4 kai1see 精誠所至,金石為開|精诚所至,金石为开[jing1 cheng2 suo3 zhi4 , jin1 shi2 wei4 kai1]
精诚所至精誠所至jing1 cheng2 suo3 zhi4no difficulty is insurmountable if one is sincere (idiom)
精诚所至,金石为开精誠所至,金石為開jing1 cheng2 suo3 zhi4 , jin1 shi2 wei4 kai1lit. metal and stone yield to power of sincerity (idiom)/ fig. no difficulty is insurmountable if one is sincere
至诚至誠zhi4 cheng2sincere
虔诚虔誠qian2 cheng2pious/ devout/ sincere
亲爱精诚親愛精誠qin1 ai4 jing1 cheng2camaraderie
cheng2sincere/ authentic/ really/ truly
诚信誠信cheng2 xin4genuine/ honest/ in good faith/ honesty/ integrity
诚如誠如cheng2 ru2it is exactly as
诚实誠實cheng2 shi2honest/ honesty/ honorable/ truthful
诚心誠心cheng2 xin1sincerity
诚心实意誠心實意cheng2 xin1 shi2 yi4earnestly and sincerely (idiom)/ with all sincerity




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