
舊 [jiu4]


汉字:舊 / 拼音:jiu4

jiù old/ opposite: new 新/ former/ worn (with age)


一切如旧一切如舊yi1 qie4 ru2 jiu4everything as before
不念旧恶不念舊惡bu4 nian4 jiu4 e4do not recall old grievances (idiom, from Analects); forgive and forget
仍旧仍舊reng2 jiu4still (remaining)/ to remain (the same)/ yet
依旧依舊yi1 jiu4as before/ still
个旧個舊Ge4 jiu4Gejiu, county level city in Yunnan, capital of Honghe Hani and Yi autonomous county 紅河哈尼族彞族自治州|红河哈尼族彝族自治州[Hong2 he2 Ha1 ni2 zu2 Yi2 zu2 Zi4 zhi4 zhou1]
个旧市個舊市Ge4 jiu4 shi4Gejiu, county level city in Yunnan, capital of Honghe Hani and Yi autonomous county 紅河哈尼族彞族自治州|红河哈尼族彝族自治州
古旧古舊gu3 jiu4archaic
喜新厌旧喜新厭舊xi3 xin1 yan4 jiu4lit. to like the new, and hate the old (idiom); fig. enamored with new people (e.g. new girlfriend), bored with the old
四旧四舊si4 jiu4the Four Olds (target of the Cultural Revolution)
因循守旧因循守舊yin1 xun2 shou3 jiu4(idiom) to continue in the same old rut/ diehard conservative attitudes
守旧守舊shou3 jiu4conservative/ reactionary
守旧派守舊派shou3 jiu4 pai4the conservative faction/ reactionaries
废旧廢舊fei4 jiu4worn out/ old-fashioned and dilapidated
复旧復舊fu4 jiu4to restore old way/ to return to the past
念旧念舊nian4 jiu4to remember old friends/ to cherish old friendships/ for old time's sake
怀旧懷舊huai2 jiu4to feel nostalgic/ nostalgia
怀旧感懷舊感huai2 jiu4 gan3feeling of nostalgia
恋旧戀舊lian4 jiu4see 懷舊|怀旧[huai2 jiu4]
恋旧情结戀舊情結lian4 jiu4 qing2 jie2dwelling on the past/ difficulty in adapting to changes
折旧折舊zhe2 jiu4depreciation
折旧率折舊率zhe2 jiu4 lu:4rate of deprecation
故旧故舊gu4 jiu4old friends
故旧不弃故舊不棄gu4 jiu4 bu4 qi4do not neglect old friends
叙旧敘舊xu4 jiu4to reminisce/ to talk about former times
新愁旧恨新愁舊恨xin1 chou2 jiu4 hen4new worries added to old hatred (idiom); afflicted by problems old and new
新瓶旧酒新瓶舊酒xin1 ping2 jiu4 jiu3old wine in a new bottle (idiom)
新瓶装旧酒新瓶裝舊酒xin1 ping2 zhuang1 jiu4 jiu3old wine in a new bottle (idiom)
弃旧图新棄舊圖新qi4 jiu4 tu2 xin1to turn over a new leaf
汰旧换新汰舊換新tai4 jiu4 huan4 xin1out with the old and in with the new (idiom)
照旧照舊zhao4 jiu4as before/ as in the past




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