
胞 [bao1]


汉字:胞 / 拼音:bao1

bāo placenta/ womb/ born of the same parents


三胞胎三胞胎san1 bao1 tai1triplets
中性粒细胞中性粒細胞zhong1 xing4 li4 xi4 bao1neutrophil (the most common type of white blood cell)
侨胞僑胞qiao2 bao1countryman living abroad
元胞自动机元胞自動機yuan2 bao1 zi4 dong4 ji1cellular automaton
内细胞团內細胞團nei4 xi4 bao1 tuan2inner cell mass (ICM)
凸多胞形凸多胞形tu1 duo1 bao1 xing2convex polytope
刺丝胞刺絲胞ci4 si1 bao1cnidocyte/ nettle cell of medusa or anemone
刺丝胞动物刺絲胞動物ci4 si1 bao1 dong4 wu4Cnidaria (animal phylum including jellyfish and sessile polyps)
刺胞刺胞ci4 bao1cnidocyte/ nettle cell of medusa
刺胞动物刺胞動物ci4 bao1 dong4 wu4Cnidaria (animal phylum including jellyfish and sessile polyps)
卵母细胞卵母細胞luan3 mu3 xi4 bao1egg cell
原核细胞原核細胞yuan2 he2 xi4 bao1prokaryote/ prokaryotic cell
原核细胞型微生物原核細胞型微生物yuan2 he2 xi4 bao1 xing2 wei1 sheng1 wu4prokaryotic cell type microorganism
台胞证台胞證Tai2 bao1 zheng4Mainland Travel Permit for Taiwan Residents/ Taiwan Compatriot Entry Permit/ abbr. for 台灣居民來往大陸通行證|台湾居民来往大陆通行证[Tai2 wan1 Ju1 min2 Lai2 wang3 Da4 lu4 Tong1 xing2 zheng4]
同卵双胞胎同卵雙胞胎tong2 luan3 shuang1 bao1 tai1identical twins
同胞同胞tong2 bao1born of the same parents/ sibling/ fellow citizen/ compatriot
同胞兄妹同胞兄妹tong2 bao1 xiong1 mei4sibling
吞噬细胞吞噬細胞tun1 shi4 xi4 bao1phagocyte (cell that ingests and destroys foreign matter)
单核细胞單核細胞dan1 he2 xi4 bao1monocyte/ mononuclear cell
单核细胞增多症單核細胞增多症dan1 he2 xi4 bao1 zeng1 duo1 zheng4mononucleosis
单细胞單細胞dan1 xi4 bao1single-celled (organism)/ unicellular
单细胞生物單細胞生物dan1 xi4 bao1 sheng1 wu4single-celled organism
单胞藻單胞藻dan1 bao1 zao3single-celled algae
嗜酸性粒细胞嗜酸性粒細胞shi4 suan1 xing4 li4 xi4 bao1eosinophil (type of white blood cell)
嗜碱性粒细胞嗜鹼性粒細胞shi4 jian3 xing4 li4 xi4 bao1basophil granulocytes (rarest type of white blood cell)
基底细胞癌基底細胞癌ji1 di3 xi4 bao1 ai2basal cell carcinoma
多形核白细胞多形核白細胞duo1 xing2 he2 bai2 xi4 bao1polymorphonuclear leukocyte
多细胞多細胞duo1 xi4 bao1multicellular
多细胞生物多細胞生物duo1 xi4 bao1 sheng1 wu4multicellular life form
多胞形多胞形duo1 bao1 xing2polytope




2021-04-20, 608👍, 0💬