
絡 [lao4 luo4]


汉字:絡 / 拼音:lao4 luo4

lào small net
luò net-like object/ to hold sth in place with a net/ to wind/ to twist/ (TCM) channels in the human body


中央人民政府驻香港特别行政区联络办公室中央人民政府駐香港特別行政區聯絡辦公室Zhong1 yang1 Ren2 min2 Zheng4 fu3 Zhu4 Xiang1 gang3 Te4 bie2 Xing2 zheng4 qu1 Lian2 luo4 Ban4 gong1 shi4Liaison Office of the Central People's Government in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
主干网络主幹網絡zhu3 gan4 wang3 luo4core network
互联网络互聯網絡hu4 lian2 wang3 luo4network
交换以太网络交換以太網絡jiao1 huan4 yi3 tai4 wang3 luo4switched Ethernet
以太网络以太網絡Yi3 tai4 wang3 luo4Ethernet
以太网络端口以太網絡端口yi3 tai4 wang3 luo4 duan1 kou3Ethernet port
僵尸网络僵屍網絡jiang1 shi1 wang3 luo4botnet/ zombie network/ slave network (used by spammers)
分布式网络分佈式網絡fen1 bu4 shi4 wang3 luo4distributed network
分销网络分銷網絡fen1 xiao1 wang3 luo4distribution network
区域网络區域網絡qu1 yu4 wang3 luo4local area network/ LAN
口络口絡kou3 luo4muzzle (over a dog's mouth)
吸引子网络吸引子網絡xi1 yin3 zi3 wang3 luo4attractor network
国际互联网络國際互聯網絡guo2 ji4 hu4 lian2 wang3 luo4Internet
国际网络國際網絡guo2 ji4 wang3 luo4global network/ Internet
对外联络部對外聯絡部dui4 wai4 lian2 luo4 bu4CCP central committee's external affairs department (i.e. Chinese communist party's foreign office)
局部连结网络局部連結網絡ju2 bu4 lian2 jie2 wang3 luo4local connectionist network
快速以太网络快速以太網絡kuai4 su4 yi3 tai4 wang3 luo4Fast Ethernet
数据网络數據網絡shu4 ju4 wang3 luo4data network
熟络熟絡shu2 luo4familiar/ close
热络熱絡re4 luo4intimate/ friendly/ warm/ active/ lively (interaction, participation etc)
用户到网络接口用戶到網絡接口yong4 hu4 dao4 wang3 luo4 jie1 kou3user-network interface/ UNI
用户到网络的接口用戶到網絡的接口yong4 hu4 dao4 wang3 luo4 de5 jie1 kou3User-Network Interface/ UNI
神经网络神經網絡shen2 jing1 wang3 luo4neural network
移动通信网络移動通信網絡yi2 dong4 tong1 xin4 wang3 luo4cell phone network
筋络筋絡jin1 luo4tendons and muscles
简单网络管理协议簡單網絡管理協議jian3 dan1 wang3 luo4 guan3 li3 xie2 yi4Simple Network Management Protocol/ SNMP
笼络籠絡long3 luo4to coax/ to beguile/ to win over
lao4small net
luo4net-like object/ to hold sth in place with a net/ to wind/ to twist/ (TCM) channels in the human body
络绎絡繹luo4 yi4continuous/ unending




2021-05-17, 472👍, 0💬