
绍 [Shao4 shao4]


汉字:绍 / 拼音:Shao4 shao4

shào surname Shao
shào to continue/ to carry on


介绍介紹jie4 shao4to introduce (sb to sb)/ to give a presentation/ to present (sb for a job etc)/ introduction
克绍箕裘克紹箕裘ke4 shao4 ji1 qiu2to follow in one's father's footsteps
唐绍仪唐紹儀Tang2 Shao4 yi2Tang Shaoyi (1862-1939), politician and diplomat
婚姻介绍所婚姻介紹所hun1 yin1 jie4 shao4 suo3marriage agency
几内亚比绍幾內亞比紹Ji1 nei4 ya4 Bi3 shao4Guinea-Bissau
比绍比紹Bi3 shao4Bissau, capital of Guinea-Bissau
简短介绍簡短介紹jian3 duan3 jie4 shao4brief introduction
简要介绍簡要介紹jian3 yao4 jie4 shao4brief introduction
Shao4surname Shao
shao4to continue/ to carry on
绍兴紹興Shao4 xing1Shaoxing prefecture level city in Zhejiang
绍兴地区紹興地區Shao4 xing1 di4 qu1Shaoxing prefecture, Zhejiang
绍兴市紹興市Shao4 xing1 shi4Shaoxing prefecture level city in Zhejiang
绍兴酒紹興酒Shao4 xing1 jiu3Shaoxing wine a.k.a. "yellow wine", traditional Chinese wine made from glutinous rice and wheat
绍莫吉州紹莫吉州Shao4 mo4 ji2 zhou1Somogy county in southwest Hungary, capital 考波什堡[Kao3 bo1 shi2 bao3]
自我介绍自我介紹zi4 wo3 jie4 shao4self-introduction/ to introduce oneself
袁绍袁紹Yuan2 Shao4Yuan Shao (153-202), general during late Han, subsequently warlord
陈绍陳紹chen2 Shao4old Shaoxing wine
马绍尔群岛馬紹爾群島Ma3 shao4 er3 Qun2 dao3Marshall Islands



2021-05-07, 395👍, 0💬