
禁 [jin1 jin4]


汉字:禁 / 拼音:jin1 jin4

jīn to endure
jìn to prohibit/ to forbid


不禁不禁bu4 jin1can't help (doing sth)/ can't refrain from
令行禁止令行禁止ling4 xing2 jin4 zhi3lit. if he orders you go, he forbids you stop (idiom); fig. to demand exact compliance with instructions/ to ensure strictly obedience
全面禁止全面禁止quan2 mian4 jin4 zhi3complete prohibition/ total ban
全面禁止核试验条约全面禁止核試驗條約Quan2 mian4 Jin4 zhi3 He2 shi4 yan4 Tiao2 yue1Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty
取消禁令取消禁令qu3 xiao1 jin4 ling4to lift a prohibition/ to lift a ban
呵禁呵禁he1 jin4to berate/ to shout loudly
喜不自禁喜不自禁xi3 bu4 zi4 jin1unable to contain one's joy (idiom)
严禁嚴禁yan2 jin4to strictly prohibit
囚禁囚禁qiu2 jin4to imprison/ captivity
报禁報禁bao4 jin4restrictions on the publication of newspapers/ press restrictions
失禁失禁shi1 jin4(urinary or fecal) incontinence
宵禁宵禁xiao1 jin4night curfew
封禁封禁feng1 jin4to ban (narcotics, a movie etc)/ to block (a road etc)/ (Internet) to block (a user)
屡禁不止屢禁不止lu:3 jin4 bu4 zhi3to continue despite repeated prohibition (idiom)
屡禁不绝屢禁不絕lu:3 jin4 bu4 jue2to continue despite repeated prohibition (idiom)
幽禁幽禁you1 jin4to imprison/ to place under house arrest
弱不禁风弱不禁風ruo4 bu4 jin1 feng1too weak to stand up to the wind (idiom); extremely delicate/ fragile state of health
忍俊不禁忍俊不禁ren3 jun4 bu4 jin1cannot help laughing/ unable to restrain a smile
性禁忌性禁忌xing4 jin4 ji4sexual taboo
情不自禁情不自禁qing2 bu4 zi4 jin1unable to restrain emotions/ cannot help
拘禁拘禁ju1 jin4constraint/ to detain/ to take into custody
查禁查禁cha2 jin4to prohibit/ to ban/ to suppress
武器禁运武器禁運wu3 qi4 jin4 yun4embargo on arms sale
海禁海禁hai3 jin4prohibition on entering or leaving by sea
犯禁犯禁fan4 jin4to violate a ban
百无禁忌百無禁忌bai3 wu2 jin4 ji4all taboos are off (idiom); anything goes/ nothing is taboo
监禁監禁jian1 jin4to imprison/ to jail/ to take into custody
jin1to endure
jin4to prohibit/ to forbid
禁不住禁不住jin1 bu5 zhu4can't help it/ can't bear it




2021-04-20, 415👍, 0💬