痴 [chi1]
汉字:痴 / 拼音:chi1
痴 | |||
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异体 | 痴 癡 |
简体 | 繁体 | 拼音 | 英文 |
呢呢痴痴 | 呢呢癡癡 | ni2 ni2 chi1 chi1 | docile |
如痴如醉 | 如癡如醉 | ru2 chi1 ru2 zui4 | lit. as if drunk and stupefied (idiom)/ fig. intoxicated by sth/ obsessed with/ mad about sth |
如醉如痴 | 如醉如癡 | ru2 zui4 ru2 chi1 | lit. as if drunk and stupefied (idiom)/ intoxicated by sth/ obsessed with/ mad about sth/ also written 如癡如醉|如痴如醉[ru2 chi1 ru2 zui4] |
娇痴 | 嬌痴 | jiao1 chi1 | spoilt and naive |
情痴 | 情癡 | qing2 chi1 | infatuated/ lovesick person |
早老性痴呆 | 早老性痴呆 | zao3 lao3 xing4 chi1 dai1 | (coll.) Alzheimer's disease |
痴 | 痴 | chi1 | imbecile/ sentimental/ stupid/ foolish/ silly |
痴人痴福 | 痴人痴福 | chi1 ren2 chi1 fu2 | a fool suffers foolish fortune (idiom) |
痴人说梦 | 痴人說夢 | chi1 ren2 shuo1 meng4 | lunatic ravings/ nonsense/ pipe dream |
痴呆症 | 痴呆症 | chi1 dai1 zheng4 | dementia |
痴心 | 痴心 | chi1 xin1 | infatuation |
痴心妄想 | 痴心妄想 | chi1 xin1 wang4 xiang3 | to be carried away by one's wishful thinking (idiom)/ to labor under a delusion/ wishful thinking |
痴想 | 痴想 | chi1 xiang3 | to daydream/ wishful thinking/ pipe dream |
痴汉 | 痴漢 | chi1 han4 | molester (loanword from Japanese "chikan")/ idiot/ fool |
痴呆 | 痴獃 | chi1 dai1 | imbecility/ dementia |
痴痴 | 痴痴 | chi1 chi1 | foolish/ stupid/ lost in thought/ in a daze |
痴笑 | 痴笑 | chi1 xiao4 | to giggle foolishly/ to titter |
痴迷 | 痴迷 | chi1 mi2 | infatuated/ obsessed |
痴醉 | 痴醉 | chi1 zui4 | to be fascinated/ to be spellbound |
痴长 | 痴長 | chi1 zhang3 | to not be wiser despite being older/ to be older than (you) by (humble) |
痴騃 | 痴騃 | chi1 ai2 | stupid/ foolish |
痴 | 癡 | chi1 | variant of 痴[chi1] |
痴傻 | 癡傻 | chi1 sha3 | stupid/ foolish |
痴呆 | 癡呆 | chi1 dai1 | imbecility/ dementia |
痴情 | 癡情 | chi1 qing2 | infatuation |
白痴 | 白痴 | bai2 chi1 | idiocy/ idiot |
老年性痴呆症 | 老年性痴獃症 | lao3 nian2 xing4 chi1 dai1 zheng4 | senile dementia |
老年痴呆 | 老年痴獃 | lao3 nian2 chi1 dai1 | senile dementia/ Alzheimer's disease |
老年痴呆症 | 老年痴獃症 | lao3 nian2 chi1 dai1 zheng4 | senile dementia/ Alzheimer's disease |
花痴 | 花痴 | hua1 chi1 | to be smitten with sb/ love-struck fool/ starry-eyed infatuation |
2021-05-02, 532👍, 0💬
简体:中国游艺机游乐园协会 / 繁体:中国游艺机游乐园协会 / 拼音:Zhong1 guo2 You2 yi4 ji1 You2 le4 yuan2 Xie2 hui...
简体:杰伊汉港 / 繁体:杰伊汉港 / 拼音:Jie2 yi1 han4 gang3
简体:暴乱 / 繁体:暴乱 / 拼音:bao4 luan4
简体:喜新厌旧 / 繁体:喜新厌旧 / 拼音:xi3 xin1 yan4 jiu4
简体:剖腹自杀 / 繁体:剖腹自杀 / 拼音:pou1 fu4 zi4 sha1