
狱 [yu4]


汉字:狱 / 拼音:yu4



下狱下獄xia4 yu4to imprison
人间地狱人間地獄ren2 jian1 di4 yu4hell on earth (idiom); suffering the torments of Buddhist hell while still alive/ fig. having an uncomfortable time
入狱入獄ru4 yu4to go to jail/ to be sent to prison
典狱长典獄長dian3 yu4 zhang3warden
冤狱冤獄yuan1 yu4unjust charge or verdict/ miscarriage of justice/ frame-up
出狱出獄chu1 yu4to be released from prison
劫狱劫獄jie2 yu4to break into jail/ to forcibly release prisoners
地狱地獄di4 yu4hell/ infernal/ underworld
大狱大獄da4 yu4jail/ prison
文字狱文字獄wen2 zi4 yu4literary inquisition/ official persecution of intellectuals for their writing
断狱斷獄duan4 yu4to pass judgment on a legal case
浮动地狱浮動地獄fu2 dong4 di4 yu4floating hell/ slave ships
炼狱煉獄lian4 yu4purgatory
牢狱牢獄lao2 yu4prison
牢狱之灾牢獄之災lao2 yu4 zhi1 zai1imprisonment
狱卒獄卒yu4 zu2jailer (old)
狱吏獄吏yu4 li4prison guard/ jailer (old)
画地为狱畫地為獄hua4 di4 wei2 yu4see 畫地為牢|画地为牢[hua4 di4 wei2 lao2]
疑狱疑獄yi2 yu4a hard legal case to judge
监狱監獄jian1 yu4prison
秦城监狱秦城監獄Qin2 cheng2 Jian1 yu4Qincheng Prison, maximum-security prison located about 30 km north of central Beijing, whose inmates include former high-level officials convicted of corruption
诏狱詔獄zhao4 yu4imperial prison
越狱越獄yue4 yu4to break out of prison/ to jailbreak (an iOS device etc)
越狱犯越獄犯yue4 yu4 fan4escaped prisoner
身陷牢狱身陷牢獄shen1 xian4 lao2 yu4to go to prison/ to be imprisoned
逃狱逃獄tao2 yu4to escape (from prison)/ to jump bail
释放出狱釋放出獄shi4 fang4 chu1 yu4to release from jail
锒铛入狱鋃鐺入獄lang2 dang1 ru4 yu4lit. to get shackled and thrown in jail (idiom)/ fig. to be put behind bars/ to get jailed
阿鼻地狱阿鼻地獄A1 bi2 di4 yu4Ceaseless pain (Sanskrit: Avici), one of the Buddhist hells/ fig. hell/ hell on earth



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