
煮 [zhu3]


汉字:煮 / 拼音:zhu3

zhǔ variant of 煮[zhu3]


家庭煮夫家庭煮夫jia1 ting2 zhu3 fu1househusband
快煮壶快煮壺kuai4 zhu3 hu2electric kettle (Tw)
水煮蛋水煮蛋shui3 zhu3 dan4boiled egg/ soft-boiled egg
水煮鱼水煮魚shui3 zhu3 yu2Sichuan poached sliced fish in hot chili oil
烹煮烹煮peng1 zhu3to cook/ to boil
焚琴煮鹤焚琴煮鶴fen2 qin2 zhu3 he4lit. to burn zithers and cook cranes/ fig. to waste valuable resources/ to destroy wantonly beautiful things
zhu3variant of 煮[zhu3]
zhu3to cook/ to boil
煮沸煮沸zhu3 fei4to boil
煮法煮法zhu3 fa3cooking method
煮熟煮熟zhu3 shou2to boil thoroughly/ to cook thoroughly
煮熟的鸭子飞了煮熟的鴨子飛了zhu3 shu2 de5 ya1 zi5 fei1 le5the cooked duck flew away (proverb)/ (fig.) to let a sure thing slip through one's fingers
煮硬煮硬zhu3 ying4to hard-boil (eggs)
煮蛋煮蛋zhu3 dan4boiled egg
煮蛋计时器煮蛋計時器zhu3 dan4 ji4 shi2 qi4egg timer
煮豆燃萁煮豆燃萁zhu3 dou4 ran2 qi2burning beanstalks to cook the beans (idiom); to cause internecine strife
煮锅煮鍋zhu3 guo1cooking pot
煮开煮開zhu3 kai1to boil (food)
煮饭煮飯zhu3 fan4to cook
烧煮燒煮shao1 zhu3to cook
生米煮成熟饭生米煮成熟飯sheng1 mi3 zhu3 cheng2 shu2 fan4the rice is cooked/ what's done is done/ it's too late to change anything now (idiom)
关东煮關東煮Guan1 dong1 zhu3oden, Japanese dish made with boiled eggs, processed fish cakes, daikon radish, tofu etc in a kelp-based broth



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