
炒 [chao3]


汉字:炒 / 拼音:chao3

chǎo to sauté/ to stir-fry/ to speculate/ to hype/ to fire (sb)


丁丁炒面丁丁炒麵ding1 ding1 chao3 mian4chopped fried noodles
快炒店快炒店kuai4 chao3 dian4(Tw) low-budget eatery
拌炒拌炒ban4 chao3to stir-fry
清炒清炒qing1 chao3to stir-fry/ to saute
chao3to sauté/ to stir-fry/ to speculate/ to hype/ to fire (sb)
炒作炒作chao3 zuo4to hype/ to promote (in the media)
炒信炒信chao3 xin4(of a business operator) to inflate one's reputation by dishonest means (e.g. posting fake reviews)
炒冷饭炒冷飯chao3 leng3 fan4to stir-fry leftover rice/ fig. to rehash the same story/ to serve up the same old product
炒勺炒勺chao3 shao2wok with a long handle/ wok spatula/ ladle
炒汇炒匯chao3 hui4to speculate in foreign currency
炒地皮炒地皮chao3 di4 pi2to speculate in building land
炒家炒家chao3 jia1speculator
炒房炒房chao3 fang2to speculate in real estate
炒更炒更chao3 geng1to moonlight
炒气氛炒氣氛chao3 qi4 fen1to liven up the atmosphere
炒热炒熱chao3 re4to raise prices by speculation/ to hype
炒热气氛炒熱氣氛chao3 re4 qi4 fen1to liven up the atmosphere
炒米炒米chao3 mi3fried rice/ millet stir-fried in butter
炒股炒股chao3 gu3(coll.) to speculate in stocks
炒股票炒股票chao3 gu3 piao4to speculate in stocks
炒菜炒菜chao3 cai4to stir-fry/ to do the cooking/ stir-fried dish
炒菠菜炒菠菜chao3 bo1 cai4stir-fried spinach
炒蛋炒蛋chao3 dan4scrambled eggs
炒货炒貨chao3 huo4roasted snacks (peanuts, chestnuts etc)
炒锅炒鍋chao3 guo1wok/ frying pan
炒鸡蛋炒雞蛋chao3 ji1 dan4scrambled eggs
炒饭炒飯chao3 fan4fried rice/ (slang) (Tw) to have sex
炒鱿鱼炒魷魚chao3 you2 yu2(coll.) to fire sb/ to sack sb
炒面炒麵chao3 mian4stir-fried noodles/ "chow mein"
煎炒煎炒jian1 chao3to lightly fry




2021-05-13, 593👍, 0💬