
瀉 [xie4]


汉字:瀉 / 拼音:xie4

xiè to flow out swiftly/ to flood/ a torrent/ diarrhea/ laxative


上吐下泻上吐下瀉shang4 tu4 xia4 xie4to vomit and have diarrhea
乳糜泻乳糜瀉ru3 mi2 xie4celiac disease
倾泻傾瀉qing1 xie4to pour down in torrents
奔泻奔瀉ben1 xie4(of torrents) rush down/ pour down
山泥倾泻山泥傾瀉shan1 ni2 qing1 xie4a landslide
感染性腹泻感染性腹瀉gan3 ran3 xing4 fu4 xie4infective diarrhea
排泻排瀉pai2 xie4variant of 排泄[pai2 xie4]/ to excrete (urine, sweat etc)
排泻物排瀉物pai2 xie4 wu4excrement
泄泻泄瀉xie4 xie4diarrhea
泄泻洩瀉xie4 xie4loose bowels/ diarrhea/ to have the runs
流泻流瀉liu2 xie4to flow/ to flood
泽泻澤瀉ze2 xie4common water plantain (Alisma plantago-aquatica)/ water plantain rhizome (used in TCM)
xie4to flow out swiftly/ to flood/ a torrent/ diarrhea/ laxative
泻湖瀉湖xie4 hu2lagoon
泻肚瀉肚xie4 du4to have diarrhea
泻肚子瀉肚子xie4 du4 zi5see 瀉肚|泻肚[xie4 du4]
泻药瀉藥xie4 yao4laxative
泻盐瀉鹽xie4 yan2epsom salts
番泻叶番瀉葉fan1 xie4 ye4senna leaf (Folium sennae)
腹泻腹瀉fu4 xie4diarrhea/ to have the runs
补泻補瀉bu3 xie4reinforcing and reducing methods (in acupuncture)



2021-05-08, 421👍, 0💬