
添 [tian1]


汉字:添 / 拼音:tian1

tiān to add/ to increase/ to replenish


二一添作五二一添作五er4 yi1 tian1 zuo4 wu3lit. one half equals zero point five (division rule in abacus reckoning)/ to share fairly between two parties/ to go fifty-fifty
加油添醋加油添醋jia1 you2 tian1 cu4to add interest (to a story)/ to sex up
加添加添jia1 tian1augment/ add
增添增添zeng1 tian1to add/ to increase
如虎添翼如虎添翼ru2 hu3 tian1 yi4lit. like a tiger that has grown wings/ with redoubled power (idiom)
tian1to add/ to increase/ to replenish
添丁添丁tian1 ding1to add a son to the family
添乱添亂tian1 luan4(coll.) to cause trouble for sb/ to inconvenience
添加添加tian1 jia1to add/ to increase
添加剂添加劑tian1 jia1 ji4additive/ food additive
添加物添加物tian1 jia1 wu4additive
添堵添堵tian1 du3to make people feel even more stressed or annoyed (coll.)/ to make traffic congestion even worse
添油加醋添油加醋tian1 you2 jia1 cu4lit. to add oil and vinegar/ fig. adding details while telling a story (to make it more interesting)
添砖加瓦添磚加瓦tian1 zhuan1 jia1 wa3lit. contribute bricks and tiles for a building (idiom)/ fig. to do one's bit to help
添福添寿添福添壽tian1 fu2 tian1 shou4to increase luck and longevity
添置添置tian1 zhi4to buy/ to acquire/ to add to one's possessions
添补添補tian1 bu5to fill (up)/ to replenish
添办添辦tian1 ban4to acquire
添麻烦添麻煩tian1 ma2 fan5to cause trouble for sb/ to inconvenience
画蛇添足畫蛇添足hua4 she2 tian1 zu2lit. draw legs on a snake (idiom); fig. to ruin the effect by adding sth superfluous/ to overdo it
锦上添花錦上添花jin3 shang4 tian1 hua1lit. add flowers to brocade (idiom)/ fig. to give sth additional splendor/ to provide the crowning touch/ (derog.) to benefit sb who is already well off



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