
涓 [Juan1 juan1]


汉字:涓 / 拼音:Juan1 juan1

juān surname Juan
juān brook/ to select


刘涓子劉涓子Liu2 Juan1 zi3Liu Juanzi, legendary alchemist and creator of magic potions
刘涓子鬼遗方劉涓子鬼遺方Liu2 Juan1 zi3 gui3 yi2 fang1Liu Juanzi's medical recipes bequeathed by the ghost Huang Fugui 黃父鬼|黄父鬼
Juan1surname Juan
juan1brook/ to select
涓吉涓吉juan1 ji2to choose an auspicious day
涓埃涓埃juan1 ai1tiny stream of dust/ tiny things/ negligible
涓埃之力涓埃之力juan1 ai1 zhi1 li4negligible force (idiom); tiny force
涓涓涓涓juan1 juan1a trickle/ tiny stream/ sluggish/ to flow sluggishly
涓滴涓滴juan1 di1tiny stream/ trickle/ drops/ tiny trickle of funds
涓滴归公涓滴歸公juan1 di1 gui1 gong1every drop returns to the public good (idiom); not one penny is misused
庞涓龐涓Pang2 Juan1Pang Juan (-342 BC), military leader and political strategist of the School of Diplomacy 縱橫家|纵横家[Zong4 heng2 jia1] during the Warring States Period (425-221 BC)



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