
污 [wu1]


汉字:污 / 拼音:wu1

variant of 污[wu1]


卑污卑污bei1 wu1despicable and filthy/ foul
反污反污fan3 wu1to accuse the victim (while being the guilty party)
反贪污反貪污fan3 tan1 wu1anticorruption
同流合污同流合污tong2 liu2 he2 wu1to wallow in the mire with sb (idiom); to follow the bad example of others
噪声污染噪聲污染zao4 sheng1 wu1 ran3noise pollution
涂污塗污tu2 wu1smudge/ stain/ to smear (dirt, paint)/ to deface
大气污染大氣污染da4 qi4 wu1 ran3air pollution/ atmospheric pollution
奸官污吏奸官污吏jian1 guan1 wu1 li4traitor minister and corrupt official (idiom); abuse and corruption
奸污姦污jian1 wu1to rape/ to violate
排污排污pai2 wu1to drain sewage
排污地下主管网排污地下主管網pai2 wu1 di4 xia4 zhu3 guan3 wang3underground sewage network
排污管排污管pai2 wu1 guan3sewer
放射性污染放射性污染fang4 she4 xing4 wu1 ran3radioactive contamination
水污染水污染shui3 wu1 ran3water pollution
水质污染水質污染shui3 zhi4 wu1 ran3water pollution
wu1variant of 污[wu1]
wu1dirty/ filthy/ foul/ corrupt/ to smear/ to defile/ dirt/ filth
污七八糟污七八糟wu1 qi1 ba1 zao1variant of 烏七八糟|乌七八糟[wu1 qi1 ba1 zao1]
污名污名wu1 ming2bad reputation/ stigma
污吏污吏wu1 li4a corrupt official
污垢污垢wu1 gou4filth
污损污損wu1 sun3to contaminate
污染污染wu1 ran3pollution/ contamination/ CL:個|个[ge4]
污染区污染區wu1 ran3 qu1contaminated area
污染物污染物wu1 ran3 wu4pollutant
污水污水wu1 shui3sewage
污水坑污水坑wu1 shui3 keng1cesspit
污水处理厂污水處理廠wu1 shui3 chu3 li3 chang3water treatment plant
污泥污泥wu1 ni2mud/ sludge
污渍污漬wu1 zi4stain




2021-05-08, 469👍, 0💬