
毋 [Wu2 wu2]


汉字:毋 / 拼音:Wu2 wu2

surname Wu
(literary) no/ don't/ to not have/ nobody


不自由,毋宁死不自由,毋寧死bu4 zi4 you2 , wu2 ning4 si3give me liberty or give me death
卑之,毋甚高论卑之,毋甚高論bei1 zhi1 , wu2 shen4 gao1 lun4my opinion, nothing very involved (idiom, humble expression); my humble point is a familiar opinion/ what I say is really nothing out of the ordinary
宁缺毋滥寧缺毋濫ning4 que1 wu2 lan4better to have nothing (than substandard choice) (idiom); would prefer to go without than accept shoddy option
少安毋躁少安毋躁shao3 an1 wu2 zao4keep calm, don't get excited/ don't be impatient
Wu2surname Wu
wu2(literary) no/ don't/ to not have/ nobody
毋宁毋寧wu2 ning4not as good as/ would rather
毋庸毋庸wu2 yong1no need for
毋忘毋忘wu2 wang4Don't forget! (literary)
稍安毋躁稍安毋躁shao1 an1 wu2 zao4variant of 少安毋躁[shao3 an1 wu2 zao4]



2021-05-27, 457👍, 0💬