
模 [mo2 mu2]


汉字:模 / 拼音:mo2 mu2

to imitate/ model/ norm/ pattern
mold/ die/ matrix/ pattern


一模一样一模一樣yi1 mu2 yi1 yang4exactly the same (idiom)/ carbon copy/ also pr. [yi1 mo2 yi1 yang4]
亚符号模型亞符號模型ya4 fu2 hao4 mo2 xing2subsymbolic model
人模狗样人模狗樣ren2 mo2 gou3 yang4(idiom) to pose/ to put on airs
保护模式保護模式bao3 hu4 mo2 shi4protected mode
传输模式傳輸模式chuan2 shu1 mo2 shi4transfer mode/ transmission method
像模像样像模像樣xiang4 mo2 xiang4 yang4solemn/ presentable/ decent
全局模块全局模塊quan2 ju2 mo2 kuai4global module
共模共模gong4 mo2common-mode (electronics)
共模抑制比共模抑制比gong4 mo2 yi4 zhi4 bi3(electronics) common-mode rejection ratio (CMRR)
功能模块功能模塊gong1 neng2 mo2 kuai4functional module
劳动模范勞動模範lao2 dong4 mo2 fan4model worker
劳模勞模lao2 mo2model worker
卵模卵模luan3 mo2ootype (site of egg composition in flatworm biology)
取模取模qu3 mo2modulo (math.)
取模取模qu3 mu2to take an impression (dentistry etc)
可变渗透性模型可變滲透性模型ke3 bian4 shen4 tou4 xing4 mo2 xing2Varying Permeability Model (VPM), (used to calculate decompression schedules in diving)
名模名模ming2 mo2top fashion model
商业模式商業模式shang1 ye4 mo2 shi4business model
单模單模dan1 mo2single mode
单模光纤單模光纖dan1 mo2 guang1 xian1single mode fiber
单词产生器模型單詞產生器模型dan1 ci2 chan3 sheng1 qi4 mo2 xing2logogen model
坯模坯模pi1 mu2mold
多层次分析模型多層次分析模型duo1 ceng2 ci4 fen1 xi1 mo2 xing2multilevel analysis model
多晶片模组多晶片模組duo1 jing1 pian4 mo2 zu3multi-chip module (MCM)
多模多模duo1 mo2multimode
多模光纤多模光纖duo1 mo2 guang1 xian1multimode fiber
多模块多模塊duo1 mo2 kuai4many modules/ multiblock
大模大样大模大樣da4 mu2 da4 yang4boldly/ ostentatiously/ poised/ self-assured/ Taiwan pr. [da4 mo2 da4 yang4]
大规模大規模da4 gui1 mo2large scale/ extensive/ wide scale/ broad scale
大规模杀伤性武器大規模殺傷性武器da4 gui1 mo2 sha1 shang1 xing4 wu3 qi4weapons of mass destruction




2021-04-20, 455👍, 0💬