
棧 [zhan4]


汉字:棧 / 拼音:zhan4

zhàn a wooden or bamboo pen for sheep or cattle/ wood or bamboo trestlework/ a warehouse/ (computing) stack


商栈商棧shang1 zhan4inn/ caravansary
堆栈堆棧dui1 zhan4stack (computing)/ storehouse/ warehouse
客栈客棧ke4 zhan4tavern/ guest house/ inn/ hotel
恋栈戀棧lian4 zhan4to be reluctant to give up a post
明修栈道,暗渡陈仓明修棧道,暗渡陳倉ming2 xiu1 zhan4 dao4 , an4 du4 Chen2 cang1lit. repair the plank road by day while secretly crossing the Wei River 渭河[Wei4 He2] at Chencang (idiom, refers to a stratagem used by Liu Bang 劉邦|刘邦[Liu2 Bang1] in 206 BC against Xiang Yu 項羽|项羽[Xiang4 Yu3] of Chu)/ fig. to feign one thing while doing another/ to cheat under cover of a diversion
zhan4a wooden or bamboo pen for sheep or cattle/ wood or bamboo trestlework/ a warehouse/ (computing) stack
栈主棧主zhan4 zhu3innkeeper
栈单棧單zhan4 dan1cargo receipt/ landing account/ warehouse or storage receipt/ CL:張|张[zhang1]
栈地址棧地址zhan4 di4 zhi3stack address (computing)
栈存储器棧存儲器zhan4 cun2 chu3 qi4stack memory (computing)
栈山航海棧山航海zhan4 shan1 hang2 hai3to have a long and hard journey (idiom)
栈径棧徑zhan4 jing4a plank road (built on trestles across the face of a cliff)
栈恋棧戀zhan4 lian4sentimental attachment to a person or place
栈房棧房zhan4 fang2warehouse/ storehouse/ inn
栈板棧板zhan4 ban3pallet
栈架棧架zhan4 jia4trestle
栈桥棧橋zhan4 qiao2a pier/ a landing-stage/ a loading trestle for goods or passengers/ a platform
栈桥式码头棧橋式碼頭zhan4 qiao2 shi4 ma3 tou5jetty/ pier
栈租棧租zhan4 zu1warehouse rent/ cost of storage
栈豆棧豆zhan4 dou4fodder
栈车棧車zhan4 che1ancient vehicle made of wood and bamboo/ CL:輛|辆[liang4]
栈道棧道zhan4 dao4plank walkway constructed on the face of a cliff/ (archaic) elevated passageway connecting the upper levels of adjacent towers
栈阁棧閣zhan4 ge2plank road built along the side of a cliff/ CL:條|条[tiao2]
栈顶棧頂zhan4 ding3stack top (computing)
桩构栈道樁構棧道zhuang1 gou4 zhan4 dao4pile trestle
秦岭蜀栈道秦嶺蜀棧道Qin2 ling3 shu3 zhan4 dao4the Qinling plank road to Shu, a historical mountain road from Shaanxi to Sichuan
粮栈糧棧liang2 zhan4wholesale grain store
羊栈羊棧yang2 zhan4sheep or goat pen
老马恋栈老馬戀棧lao3 ma3 lian4 zhan4lit. the old horse loves his stable/ fig. sb old but reluctant to relinquish their post (idiom)
落栈落棧lao4 zhan4see 落棧|落栈[luo4 zhan4]




2021-05-09, 672👍, 0💬