
棒 [bang4]


汉字:棒 / 拼音:bang4

bàng stick/ club/ cudgel/ smart/ capable/ strong/ wonderful/ classifier for legs of a relay race


USB记忆棒USB記憶棒U S B ji4 yi4 bang4USB flash drive/ see also 閃存盤|闪存盘[shan3 cun2 pan2]
一级棒一級棒yi1 ji2 bang4first-rate/ excellent (loanword from Japanese 一番, ichiban)
乏燃料棒乏燃料棒fa2 ran2 liao4 bang4spent fuel rods
仙女棒仙女棒xian1 nu:3 bang4sparkler (hand-held firework)
倍儿棒倍兒棒bei4 r5 bang4(dialect) awesome/ excellent
冰棒冰棒bing1 bang4popsicle/ ice pop/ CL:根[gen1]
哈棒哈棒ha1 bang4(slang) (Tw) to give a blowjob
哭丧棒哭喪棒ku1 sang1 bang4mourning staff draped in white, held at a funeral to show filial piety
丧棒喪棒sang1 bang4funeral stick (held by the son as a sign of filial piety)
大棒大棒da4 bang4big stick (policy etc)
好棒好棒hao3 bang4excellent (interjection)
平衡棒平衡棒ping2 heng2 bang4haltere (insect anatomy)
拳棒拳棒quan2 bang4martial arts/ lit. fist and staff
指挥棒指揮棒zhi3 hui1 bang4baton
按摩棒按摩棒an4 mo2 bang4vibrator/ dildo
接力棒接力棒jie1 li4 bang4relay baton/ (fig.) responsibilities (passed over to one's successor)
接棒人接棒人jie1 bang4 ren2successor
控制棒控制棒kong4 zhi4 bang4control rods
撬棒撬棒qiao4 bang4crowbar
擦棒球擦棒球ca1 bang4 qiu2foul tip
东一榔头西一棒子東一榔頭西一棒子dong1 yi1 lang2 tou2 xi1 yi1 bang4 zi5banging away clumsily in all directions with no overall vision
棉棒棉棒mian2 bang4cotton swab/ cotton bud
棉花棒棉花棒mian2 hua1 bang4cotton swab/ cotton bud
棍棒棍棒gun4 bang4club/ staff/ stick
bang4stick/ club/ cudgel/ smart/ capable/ strong/ wonderful/ classifier for legs of a relay race
棒冰棒冰bang4 bing1popsicle
棒喝棒喝bang4 he4practice in which a novice monk is shouted at or hit with a stick with the purpose of bringing about instant awakening (Buddhism)/ to rebuke sternly
棒国棒國Bang4 guo2(derog.) Korea
棒坛棒壇bang4 tan2baseball circles/ baseball world
棒子棒子bang4 zi5stick/ club/ cudgel/ maize (corn)/ ear of maize/ corncob/ (derog.) Korean




2021-05-01, 523👍, 0💬