
枯 [ku1]


汉字:枯 / 拼音:ku1

dried up


干枯乾枯gan1 ku1withered/ dried up
冢中枯骨塚中枯骨zhong3 zhong1 ku1 gu3dried bones in burial mound (idiom); dead and buried
巴枯宁主义巴枯寧主義Ba1 ku1 ning2 zhu3 yi4Bakuninism, a 19th century socialist theory
搜索枯肠搜索枯腸sou1 suo3 ku1 chang2to rack one's brains (for apt wording etc) (idiom)
ku1dried up
枯干枯乾ku1 gan1withered
枯寂枯寂ku1 ji4dull and lonely
枯木枯木ku1 mu4dead tree
枯木逢春枯木逢春ku1 mu4 feng2 chun1lit. the spring comes upon a withered tree (idiom)/ fig. to get a new lease on life/ to be revived/ (of a difficult situation) to suddenly improve
枯朽枯朽ku1 xiu3withered and rotten
枯槁枯槁ku1 gao3withered/ haggard/ languid/ without energy
枯水枯水ku1 shui3scarce water/ low water level
枯水期枯水期ku1 shui3 qi1period of low water level (winter in north China)
枯燥枯燥ku1 zao4dry and dull/ uninteresting/ dry-as-dust
枯燥无味枯燥無味ku1 zao4 wu2 wei4tedious/ dreary
枯竭枯竭ku1 jie2used up/ dried up/ exhausted (of resources)
枯茗枯茗ku1 ming2cumin (loanword)
枯草枯草ku1 cao3withered grass/ dry grass
枯草杆菌枯草桿菌ku1 cao3 gan3 jun1bacillus subtilis
枯草热枯草熱ku1 cao3 re4hay fever
枯萎枯萎ku1 wei3to wilt/ to wither/ wilted/ withered/ drained/ enervated/ exhausted
枯萎病枯萎病ku1 wei3 bing4blight
枯叶枯葉ku1 ye4dead leaf/ withered leaf
枯叶剂枯葉劑ku1 ye4 ji4Agent Orange (herbicide)
海枯石烂海枯石爛hai3 ku1 shi2 lan4lit. when the seas run dry and the stones go soft (idiom)/ fig. forever/ until the end of time
百草枯百草枯bai3 cao3 ku1paraquat
神枯神枯shen2 ku1spiritual desolation
黑枯茗黑枯茗hei1 ku1 ming2black cumin/ Nigella sativa



2021-05-02, 361👍, 0💬