
映 [ying4]


汉字:映 / 拼音:ying4

yìng to reflect (light)/ to shine/ to project (an image onto a screen etc)


一一映射一一映射yi1 yi1 ying4 she4bijective map (i.e. map between sets in math. that is one-to-one and onto)/ one-to-one correspondence
上映上映shang4 ying4to show (a movie)/ to screen
倒映倒映dao4 ying4to reflect (producing an inverted image)
公映公映gong1 ying4public screening (of a movie)
汇映匯映hui4 ying4joint screening/ consecutive screening of collection of movies
反映反映fan3 ying4to mirror/ to reflect/ mirror image/ reflection/ (fig.) to report/ to make known/ to render
反映论反映論fan3 ying4 lun4theory of reflection (in dialectic materialism), i.e. every perception reflects physical reality
对映對映dui4 ying4to be the mirror image of sth/ enantiomorphic/ antipodal/ enantiomeric (chemistry)
对映异构對映異構dui4 ying4 yi4 gou4enantiomeric isomerism (chemistry)
对映异构体對映異構體dui4 ying4 yi4 gou4 ti3enantiomeric isomer (chemistry)
对映体對映體dui4 ying4 ti3enantiomer (chemistry)
汇映彙映hui4 ying4variant of 匯映|汇映[hui4 ying4]
复映片復映片fu4 ying4 pian4second-run movie
投映投映tou2 ying4(of a light source) to cast one's light on/ to project (an image)
掩映掩映yan3 ying4hidden from view/ alternately hidden and visible/ setting off each other
播映播映bo1 ying4to broadcast a film/ to televise
放映放映fang4 ying4to show (a movie)/ to screen
放映室放映室fang4 ying4 shi4cinema room/ viewing room
ying4to reflect (light)/ to shine/ to project (an image onto a screen etc)
映像映像ying4 xiang4reflection/ image (in a mirror)
映像管映像管ying4 xiang4 guan3CRT (cathode ray tube) used in a computer monitor or TV, aka picture tube (Tw)/ kinescope
映入映入ying4 ru4to appear before (one's eyes)/ to come to (one's mind)
映入眼帘映入眼簾ying4 ru4 yan3 lian2(idiom) to greet the eye/ to come into view
映入脑海映入腦海ying4 ru4 nao3 hai3to come to mind/ to come to one's attention
映射映射ying4 she4to shine on/ (math., linguistics etc) mapping
映射过程映射過程ying4 she4 guo4 cheng2mapping process
映山红映山紅ying4 shan1 hong2Indian azalea (Rhododendron simsii)
映演映演ying4 yan3to screen a movie (Tw)
映照映照ying4 zhao4to shine upon/ to reflect
映衬映襯ying4 chen4to set off by contrast/ antithesis/ analogy parallelism (linguistics)




2021-05-04, 475👍, 0💬