
旨 [zhi3]


汉字:旨 / 拼音:zhi3

zhǐ imperial decree/ purport/ aim/ purpose


主旨主旨zhu3 zhi3gist/ main idea/ general tenor/ one's judgment
主旨演讲主旨演講zhu3 zhi3 yan3 jiang3keynote speech
传旨傳旨chuan2 zhi3issue a decree
太乙金华宗旨太乙金華宗旨Tai4 yi3 Jin1 hua2 Zong1 zhi3The Secret of the Golden Flower, a classic of Chinese Taoism published in the late 17th century
奉旨奉旨feng4 zhi3on imperial orders
宏旨宏旨hong2 zhi3gist/ main idea
宗旨宗旨zong1 zhi3objective/ aim/ goal
弘旨弘旨hong2 zhi3variant of 宏旨[hong2 zhi3]
懿旨懿旨yi4 zhi3an imperial decree
zhi3imperial decree/ purport/ aim/ purpose
旨在旨在zhi3 zai4to have as its purpose/ to be intended to/ to aim to (do sth)
旨意旨意zhi3 yi4decree/ order
旨趣旨趣zhi3 qu4purport/ intent
圣旨聖旨sheng4 zhi3imperial edict
要旨要旨yao4 zhi3the gist (of a text or argument)/ the main points
言近旨远言近旨遠yan2 jin4 zhi3 yuan3simple words with a profound meaning (idiom)
诏旨詔旨zhao4 zhi3an Imperial edict
谕旨諭旨yu4 zhi3imperial edict
遵旨遵旨zun1 zhi3to obey the Emperor's decree/ at your Imperial majesty's command
降旨降旨jiang4 zhi3to issue an imperial edict
题旨題旨ti2 zhi3subject of literary work



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