
擺 [bai3]


汉字:擺 / 拼音:bai3

bǎi to arrange/ to exhibit/ to move to and fro/ a pendulum


下摆下擺xia4 bai3hem of a skirt/ shirt tail
停摆停擺ting2 bai3(of a pendulum) to stop swinging/ (of work, production, activities etc) to come to a halt/ to be suspended/ to be canceled/ shutdown/ (sports) lockout
傅科摆傅科擺Fu4 ke1 bai3Foucault's pendulum
前摆前擺qian2 bai3last time
单摆單擺dan1 bai3simple pendulum (physics)
大摇大摆大搖大擺da4 yao2 da4 bai3to strut/ swaggering
平摆平擺ping2 bai3yawing (of a boat)
扭摆扭擺niu3 bai3to twist and sway (one's body)
摇摇摆摆搖搖擺擺yao2 yao2 bai3 bai3swaggering/ staggering/ waddling
摇摆搖擺yao2 bai3to sway/ to wobble/ to waver
摇摆不定搖擺不定yao2 bai3 bu4 ding4indecisive/ wavering
摇摆州搖擺州yao2 bai3 zhou1swing state (US politics)
摇摆舞搖擺舞yao2 bai3 wu3swing (dance)
摇头摆尾搖頭擺尾yao2 tou2 bai3 wei3to nod one's head and wag one's tail (idiom)/ to be well pleased with oneself/ to have a lighthearted air
bai3to arrange/ to exhibit/ to move to and fro/ a pendulum
摆了一道擺了一道bai3 le5 yi1 dao4to play tricks on/ to make a fool of
摆事实讲道理擺事實講道理bai3 shi4 shi2 jiang3 dao4 li3present the facts and reason things out
摆出擺出bai3 chu1to assume/ to adopt (a look, pose, manner etc)/ to bring out for display
摆动擺動bai3 dong4to sway/ to swing/ to move back and forth/ to oscillate
摆地摊擺地攤bai3 di4 tan1lit. to set up a stall on the ground/ fig. to start up a new business
摆子擺子bai3 zi3malaria
摆布擺布bai3 bu4to arrange/ to order about/ to manipulate
摆平擺平bai3 ping2to be fair/ to be impartial/ to settle (a matter etc)
摆弄擺弄bai3 nong4to move back and forth/ to fiddle with
摆手擺手bai3 shou3to wave one's hand/ to gesture with one's hand (beckoning, waving good-bye etc)/ to swing one's arms
摆摊擺攤bai3 tan1to set up a vendor's stall in the street
摆摊子擺攤子bai3 tan1 zi5to set up a stall/ to maintain a large staff and organization
摆放擺放bai3 fang4to set up/ to arrange/ to lay out
摆明擺明bai3 ming2to show clearly
摆晃擺晃bai3 huang4to swing/ to sway




2021-05-14, 440👍, 0💬