
扁 [Pian1 bian3 pian1]


汉字:扁 / 拼音:Pian1 bian3 pian1

piān surname Pian
biǎn flat/ (coll.) to beat (sb) up/ old variant of 匾[bian3]
piān small boat


倒扁倒扁Dao3 bian3Taiwan political movement aimed at forcing the resignation of President Chen Shui-bian 陳水扁|陈水扁[Chen2 Shui3 bian3] in 2006 over corruption allegations
压扁壓扁ya1 bian3to squash/ to crush flat
小扁豆小扁豆xiao3 bian3 dou4lentil
干扁豆角干扁豆角gan1 bian3 dou4 jiao3green beans in sauce, popular Beijing dish
Pian1surname Pian
bian3flat/ (coll.) to beat (sb) up/ old variant of 匾[bian3]
pian1small boat
扁嘴海雀扁嘴海雀bian3 zui3 hai3 que4(bird species of China) ancient murrelet (Synthliboramphus antiquus)
扁圆扁圓bian3 yuan2oblate
扁坯扁坯bian3 pi1slab
扁平扁平bian3 ping2flat/ planar
扁形动物扁形動物pian1 xing2 dong4 wu4flatworm/ phylum of Platyhelminthes
扁形动物门扁形動物門pian1 xing2 dong4 wu4 men2flatworm/ phylum of Platyhelminthes
扁担扁擔bian3 dan5carrying pole/ shoulder pole/ CL:根[gen1]
扁担星扁擔星Bian3 dan5 xing1Altair and its two adjacent stars
扁桃扁桃bian3 tao2almond tree/ almond/ flat peach
扁桃腺扁桃腺bian3 tao2 xian4tonsil
扁桃腺炎扁桃腺炎bian3 tao2 xian4 yan2tonsillitis
扁桃体扁桃體bian3 tao2 ti3tonsil
扁桃体炎扁桃體炎bian3 tao2 ti3 yan2tonsillitis
扁穴扁穴bian3 xue2tonsil/ now written 扁桃體|扁桃体[bian3 tao2 ti3]
扁舟扁舟pian1 zhou1small boat/ skiff
扁虱扁虱bian3 shi1tick (zoology)
扁虫扁蟲bian3 chong2flatworm
扁豆扁豆bian3 dou4hyacinth bean/ haricot
扁锹形虫扁鍬形蟲bian3 qiao1 xing2 chong2giant stag beetle (Dorcus titanus)
扁额扁額bian3 e2variant of 匾額|匾额[bian3 e2]
扁食扁食bian3 shi2dumplings
扁骨扁骨bian3 gu3flat bone
扁鹊扁鵲Bian3 Que4秦越人[Qin2 Yue4 ren2] (407-310 BC), Warring States physician known for his medical skills, nicknamed Bian Que after the earliest known Chinese physician allegedly from the 黃帝|黄帝[Huang2 di4] era




2021-05-06, 457👍, 0💬