
戒 [jie4]


汉字:戒 / 拼音:jie4

jiè to guard against/ to exhort/ to admonish or warn/ to give up or stop doing sth/ Buddhist monastic discipline/ ring (for a finger)


以示警戒以示警戒yi3 shi4 jing3 jie4to serve as a warning (idiom)
传戒傳戒chuan2 jie4(Buddhism) to initiate sb for monkhood or nunhood
儆戒儆戒jing3 jie4to warn/ to admonish
八戒八戒ba1 jie4the eight precepts (Buddhism)
力戒力戒li4 jie4to try everything to avoid/ to guard against
勒戒勒戒le4 jie4to force sb to give up (a drug)/ to enforce abstinence/ to break drug dependence
劝戒勸戒quan4 jie4variant of 勸誡|劝诫[quan4 jie4]
十戒十戒shi2 jie4the ten commandments (religion)
印戒印戒yin4 jie4signet ring (cell)
受戒受戒shou4 jie4to take oaths as a monk (Buddhism)/ to take orders
告戒告戒gao4 jie4variant of 告誡|告诫[gao4 jie4]
引以为戒引以為戒yin3 yi3 wei2 jie4to take sth as a warning (idiom)/ to draw a lesson from a case where things turned out badly
惩戒懲戒cheng2 jie4to discipline/ reprimand
jie4to guard against/ to exhort/ to admonish or warn/ to give up or stop doing sth/ Buddhist monastic discipline/ ring (for a finger)
戒备戒備jie4 bei4to take precautions/ to guard against (emergency)
戒备森严戒備森嚴jie4 bei4 sen1 yan2heavily-guarded
戒刀戒刀jie4 dao1Buddhist monk's knife (not used for killing)
戒命戒命jie4 ming4prohibition
戒严戒嚴jie4 yan2to impose martial law/ to impose emergency measures
戒严令戒嚴令jie4 yan2 ling4martial law
戒严区戒嚴區jie4 yan2 qu1restricted area/ zone of application of the martial law
戒坛戒壇jie4 tan2ordination platform in a Buddhist temple
戒奢崇俭戒奢崇儉jie4 she1 chong2 jian3to refrain from high standard of living (idiom)
戒子戒子jie4 zi5(finger) ring
戒律戒律jie4 lu:4monastic discipline/ commandment
戒心戒心jie4 xin1vigilance/ wariness
戒忌戒忌jie4 ji4a taboo/ to avoid sth (as taboo)
戒慎戒慎jie4 shen4vigilant/ cautious
戒惧戒懼jie4 ju4wary
戒指戒指jie4 zhi5(finger) ring




2021-05-01, 447👍, 0💬