
律 [Lu:4 lu:4]


汉字:律 / 拼音:Lu:4 lu:4

surname Lü


一律一律yi1 lu:4same/ uniformly/ all/ without exception
七律七律qi1 lu:4abbr. for 七言律詩|七言律诗, verse form consisting of 8 lines of 7 syllables, with rhyme on alternate lines
七言律诗七言律詩qi1 yan2 lu:4 shi1verse form consisting of 8 lines of 7 syllables, with rhyme on alternate lines/ abbr. to 七律
三大纪律八项注意三大紀律八項注意San1 Da4 Ji4 lu:4 Ba1 Xiang4 Zhu4 yi4the Three Rules of Discipline and Eight Points for Attention, a military doctrine issued in 1928 by Mao Zedong for the Red Army, which included a number of injunctions demanding high standards of behavior and respect for civilians during wartime
中共中央纪律检查委员会中共中央紀律檢查委員會Zhong1 Gong4 Zhong1 yang1 Ji4 lu:4 Jian3 cha2 Wei3 yuan2 hui4Disciplinary Committee of Chinese Communist Party
主旋律主旋律zhu3 xuan2 lu:4theme or subject (music)
事务律师事務律師shi4 wu4 lu:4 shi1solicitor (law)
交换律交換律jiao1 huan4 lu:4commutative law xy = yx (math)
以律以律Yi3 lu:4Eluid (son of Achim)
充足理由律充足理由律chong1 zu2 li3 you2 lu:4sufficient grounds (law)
分配律分配律fen1 pei4 lu:4distributivity
刑律刑律xing2 lu:4criminal law
十二平均律十二平均律shi2 er4 ping2 jun1 lu:4equal temperament
千篇一律千篇一律qian1 pian1 yi1 lu:4thousand articles, same rule (idiom); stereotyped and repetitive/ once you've seen one, you've seen them all
受法律保护权受法律保護權shou4 fa3 lu:4 bao3 hu4 quan2right to protection by law (law)
严以律己嚴以律己yan3 yi3 lu:4 ji3to be strict with oneself (idiom)/ to demand a lot of oneself
严于律己嚴於律己yan2 yu2 lu:4 ji3to be strict with oneself
守恒定律守恆定律shou3 heng2 ding4 lu:4conservation law (physics)
定律定律ding4 lu:4scientific law (e.g. law of conservation of energy)/ (in human affairs) a generalization based on observation (e.g. "power corrupts")
希律王希律王Xi1 lu:4 wang2Herod the Great (73 BC - 4 BC), Roman-appointed king of Judea (37-4 BC)
平均律平均律ping2 jun1 lu:4equal temperament (music)
平方反比定律平方反比定律ping2 fang1 fan3 bi4 ding4 lu:4inverse-square law (physics)
平方反比律平方反比律ping2 fang1 fan3 bi3 lu:4inverse square law (physics)
底特律底特律Di3 te4 lu:4Detroit, Michigan
Lu:4surname Lü
律动律動lu:4 dong4rhythm/ to move rhythmically
律吕律呂lu:4 lu:3tuning/ temperament
律师律師lu:4 shi1lawyer
律师事务所律師事務所lu:4 shi1 shi4 wu4 suo3law firm




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