
密 [Mi4 mi4]


汉字:密 / 拼音:Mi4 mi4

surname Mi/ name of an ancient state
secret/ confidential/ close/ thick/ dense


中国精密机械进出口公司中國精密機械進出口公司Zhong1 guo2 Jing1 mi4 Ji1 xie4 Jin4 Chu1 kou3 Gong1 si1China Precision Machinery Import-Export Corporation (CPMIEC)
中密度纤维板中密度纖維板zhong1 mi4 du4 xian1 wei2 ban3medium-density fiberboard (MDF)/ abbr. to 中纖板|中纤板[zhong1 xian1 ban3]
亚当·斯密亞當·斯密Ya4 dang1 · Si1 mi4Adam Smith (1723-1790), Scottish ethical philosopher and pioneer economist, author of The Wealth of Nations 國富論|国富论
人口密度人口密度ren2 kou3 mi4 du4population density
人口稠密人口稠密ren2 kou3 chou2 mi4populous
保密保密bao3 mi4to keep sth confidential/ to maintain secrecy
保密协议保密協議bao3 mi4 xie2 yi4non-disclosure agreement/ confidentiality agreement
保密性保密性bao3 mi4 xing4secrecy
六方最密堆积六方最密堆積liu4 fang1 zui4 mi4 dui1 ji1hexagonal close-packed (HCP) (math.)
加密加密jia1 mi4to encrypt/ encryption/ to protect with a password
加密套接字协议层加密套接字協議層jia1 mi4 tao4 jie1 zi4 xie2 yi4 ceng2Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) (computing)
加密货币加密貨幣jia1 mi4 huo4 bi4cryptocurrency
勤密勤密qin2 mi4often/ frequently
反密码子反密碼子fan3 mi4 ma3 zi5anticodon
史密斯史密斯Shi3 mi4 si1Smith (name)
告密告密gao4 mi4to inform against sb
告密者告密者gao4 mi4 zhe3tell-tale/ informer (esp. to police)/ whistleblower/ grass
周密周密zhou1 mi4careful/ thorough/ meticulous/ dense/ impenetrable
哈密哈密Ha1 mi4Kumul city in Xinjiang (Chinese: Hami)
哈密地区哈密地區Ha1 mi4 di4 qu1Kumul prefecture in Xinjiang
哈密市哈密市Ha1 mi4 shi4Kumul city in Xinjiang (Chinese: Hami)
哈密瓜哈密瓜ha1 mi4 gua1Hami melon (a variety of muskmelon)/ honeydew melon/ cantaloupe
哈里森·施密特哈里森·施密特Ha1 li3 sen1 · Shi1 mi4 te4Harrison Schmitt (Apollo 17 astronaut)
严密嚴密yan2 mi4strict/ tight (organization, surveillance etc)
填密填密tian2 mi4packing/ packaging
奥密克戎奧密克戎ao4 mi4 ke4 rong2omicron (Greek letter)
Mi4surname Mi/ name of an ancient state
mi4secret/ confidential/ close/ thick/ dense
密不可分密不可分mi4 bu4 ke3 fen1inextricably linked (idiom)/ inseparable
密不透风密不透風mi4 bu4 tou4 feng1sealed off/ impenetrable




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