塑 [su4]
汉字:塑 / 拼音:su4
塑 | |||
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简体 | 繁体 | 拼音 | 英文 |
动态雕塑 | 動態雕塑 | dong4 tai4 diao1 su4 | (fine arts) a mobile |
可塑性 | 可塑性 | ke3 su4 xing4 | plasticity |
塑 | 塑 | su4 | to model (a figure) in clay |
塑像 | 塑像 | su4 xiang4 | (molded or modeled) statue |
塑化剂 | 塑化劑 | su4 hua4 ji4 | plasticizer |
塑封 | 塑封 | su4 feng1 | to laminate/ laminated/ laminate |
塑性 | 塑性 | su4 xing4 | plasticity |
塑料 | 塑料 | su4 liao4 | plastics/ CL:種|种[zhong3] |
塑料普通话 | 塑料普通話 | su4 liao4 pu3 tong1 hua4 | (coll.) Mandarin Chinese spoken with a thick regional accent |
塑料王 | 塑料王 | su4 liao4 wang2 | "super plastic" (term used to refer to Teflon) |
塑料袋 | 塑料袋 | su4 liao4 dai4 | plastic bag |
塑膜 | 塑膜 | su4 mo2 | plastic film (abbr. for 塑料薄膜[su4 liao4 bo2 mo2]) |
塑胶 | 塑膠 | su4 jiao1 | synthetic resin/ plastic cement/ (Tw) plastic |
塑胶炸药 | 塑膠炸藥 | su4 jiao1 zha4 yao4 | plastic explosive |
塑胶爆炸物 | 塑膠爆炸物 | su4 jiao1 bao4 zha4 wu4 | plastic explosive |
塑胶袋 | 塑膠袋 | su4 jiao1 dai4 | plastic bag (Tw) |
塑胶跑道 | 塑膠跑道 | su4 jiao1 pao3 dao4 | synthetic athletics track/ tartan track |
塑胶车 | 塑膠車 | su4 jiao1 che1 | scooter (Tw) |
塑身 | 塑身 | su4 shen1 | body sculpting (weight loss and exercise) |
塑造 | 塑造 | su4 zao4 | to model/ to mold/ (fig.) to create (a character, a market, an image etc)/ (literature) to portray (in words) |
塑钢 | 塑鋼 | su4 gang1 | acetal resin/ Delrin/ unplasticized polyvinyl chloride (uPVC or rigid PVC) |
增塑剂 | 增塑劑 | zeng1 su4 ji4 | plasticizer |
彩塑 | 彩塑 | cai3 su4 | painted clay figure |
毛塑像 | 毛塑像 | Mao2 su4 xiang4 | statue of Chairman Mao Zedong (1893-1976) 毛澤東|毛泽东[Mao2 Ze2 dong1] |
泡沫塑料 | 泡沫塑料 | pao4 mo4 su4 liao4 | styrofoam |
泥塑 | 泥塑 | ni2 su4 | clay modeling/ clay figurine or statue |
注塑 | 注塑 | zhu4 su4 | injection molding |
过塑 | 過塑 | guo4 su4 | (stationery) to laminate |
重塑 | 重塑 | chong2 su4 | to reconstruct (an art object)/ to remodel |
雕塑 | 雕塑 | diao1 su4 | a statue/ a Buddhist image/ sculpture/ to carve |
2021-05-27, 476👍, 0💬
简体:拽步 / 繁体:拽步 / 拼音:zhuai4 bu4
简体:筑城 / 繁体:筑城 / 拼音:zhu4 cheng2
简体:蚕茧 / 繁体:蚕茧 / 拼音:can2 jian3
简体:骏 / 繁体:骏 / 拼音:jun4
简体:紧 / 繁体:紧 / 拼音:jin3