
哥 [ge1]


汉字:哥 / 拼音:ge1

elder brother


不列颠哥伦比亚不列顛哥倫比亞Bu4 lie4 dian1 Ge1 lun2 bi3 ya4British Columbia, Pacific province of Canada
不列颠哥伦比亚省不列顛哥倫比亞省Bu4 lie4 dian1 Ge1 lun2 bi3 ya4 sheng3British Columbia, Pacific province of Canada
二哥二哥er4 ge1second brother
佛朗哥佛朗哥Fo2 lang3 ge1Franco (name)/ Generalissimo Francisco Franco Bahamonde (1892-1975), Spanish dictator and head of state 1939-1975
伟哥偉哥Wei3 ge1Viagra (male impotence drug)
八哥八哥ba1 ge1(bird species of China) crested myna (Acridotheres cristatellus)
八哥儿八哥兒ba1 ge1 r5erhua variant of 八哥[ba1 ge1]
八哥狗八哥狗ba1 ge1 gou3pug (breed of dog)
公子哥儿公子哥兒gong1 zi3 ge1 r5pampered son of a wealthy family
加拉巴哥斯加拉巴哥斯Jia1 la1 ba1 ge1 si1Galapagos
加拉巴哥斯群岛加拉巴哥斯群島Jia1 la1 ba1 ge1 si1 Qun2 dao3Galapagos Islands
励志哥勵志哥li4 zhi4 ge1ugly guy with a pretty girlfriend (slang)
千里达及托巴哥千里達及托巴哥Qian1 li3 da2 ji2 Tuo1 ba1 ge1Trinidad and Tobago (Tw)
千里达和多巴哥千里達和多巴哥Qian1 li3 da2 he2 Duo1 ba1 ge1Trinidad and Tobago
吴哥城吳哥城Wu2 ge1 cheng2Ankorwat, Cambodia
吴哥窟吳哥窟Wu2 ge1 ku1Angkor Wat, temple complex in Cambodia
ge1elder brother
哥们哥們ge1 men5Brothers!/ brethren/ dude (colloquial)/ brother (diminutive form of address between males)
哥们儿哥們兒ge1 men5 r5erhua variant of 哥們|哥们[ge1 men5]
哥伦布哥倫布Ge1 lun2 bu4Cristóbal Colón or Christopher Columbus (1451-1506)/ Columbus, capital of Ohio
哥伦布纪哥倫布紀ge1 lun2 bu4 ji4Columbus
哥伦比亚哥倫比亞Ge1 lun2 bi3 ya4Colombia/ Columbia (District of, or University etc)
哥伦比亚大学哥倫比亞大學Ge1 lun2 bi3 ya4 Da4 xue2Columbia University
哥伦比亚广播公司哥倫比亞廣播公司Ge1 lun2 bi3 ya4 Guang3 bo1 Gong1 si1Columbia Broadcasting System (CBS)
哥伦比亚特区哥倫比亞特區Ge1 lun2 bi3 ya4 te4 qu1District of Columbia, USA
哥儿哥兒ge1 r5brothers/ boys
哥利亚哥利亞Ge1 li4 ya4Goliath
哥吉拉哥吉拉Ge1 ji2 la1Godzilla (Tw)
哥哥哥哥ge1 ge5older brother/ CL:個|个[ge4],位[wei4]
哥大哥大Ge1 Da4Columbia University (abbr.)




2021-04-30, 540👍, 0💬