
乍 [zha4]


汉字:乍 / 拼音:zha4

zhà at first/ suddenly/ abruptly/ to spread/ (of hair) to stand on end/ bristling


一惊一乍一驚一乍yi1 jing1 yi1 zha4frightened/ flustered
zha4at first/ suddenly/ abruptly/ to spread/ (of hair) to stand on end/ bristling
乍得乍得Zha4 de2Chad
乍得湖乍得湖Zha4 de2 Hu2Lake Chad
乍浦乍浦Zha4 pu3Zhapu town and port on north of Hangzhou Bay 杭州灣|杭州湾 in Zhejiang
乍浦镇乍浦鎮Zha4 pu3 zhen4Zhapu town and port on north of Hangzhou Bay 杭州灣|杭州湾 in Zhejiang
乍现乍現zha4 xian4to appear suddenly
乍看乍看zha4 kan4at first glance
乍青乍白乍青乍白zha4 qing1 zha4 bai2(of sb's face) turning alternately green and white
初来乍到初來乍到chu1 lai2 zha4 dao4to be a newcomer/ just off the boat
新来乍到新來乍到xin1 lai2 zha4 dao4newly arrived (idiom)
春光乍泄春光乍泄chun1 guang1 zha4 xie4spring sunshine emerges to bring the world alive (idiom)/ to give a glimpse of sth intimate (e.g. one's underwear)
猛乍猛乍meng3 zha4suddenly/ unexpectedly



2021-05-24, 432👍, 0💬