
深 [shen1]


汉字:深 / 拼音:shen1

shēn old variant of 深[shen1]


shen1old variant of 深[shen1]
一往情深一往情深yi1 wang3 qing2 shen1deeply attached/ devoted
交浅言深交淺言深jiao1 qian3 yan2 shen1to talk intimately while being comparative strangers (idiom)
伉俪情深伉儷情深kang4 li4 qing2 shen1married couple very much in love/ deep conjugal love
内心深处內心深處nei4 xin1 shen1 chu4deep in one's heart
创巨痛深創巨痛深chuang1 ju4 tong4 shen1untold pain and suffering (idiom); deeply scarred for life
加深加深jia1 shen1to deepen
加深印象加深印象jia1 shen1 yin4 xiang4to make a deeper impression on sb
加深理解加深理解jia1 shen1 li3 jie3to get a better grasp of sth
北上广深北上廣深Bei3 Shang4 Guang3 Shen1Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen/ abbr. for 北京、上海、廣州、深圳|北京、上海、广州、深圳
博大精深博大精深bo2 da4 jing1 shen1wide-ranging and profound/ broad and deep
只要功夫深,铁杵磨成针只要功夫深,鐵杵磨成針zhi3 yao4 gong1 fu5 shen1 , tie3 chu3 mo2 cheng2 zhen1If you work at it hard enough, you can grind an iron bar into a needle./ cf idiom 磨杵成針|磨杵成针, to grind an iron bar down to a fine needle (idiom); fig. to persevere in a difficult task/ to study diligently
在深处在深處zai4 shen1 chu4deeply
夜深人静夜深人靜ye4 shen1 ren2 jing4in the dead of night (idiom)
寓意深远寓意深遠yu4 yi4 shen1 yuan3the implied message is deep (idiom); having deep implications
寓意深长寓意深長yu4 yi4 shen1 chang2to have profound import (idiom); to be deeply significant
山高海深山高海深shan1 gao1 hai3 shen1high as the mountain and deep as the sea (idiom); fig. infinite bounty
幽深幽深you1 shen1serene and hidden in depth or distance
意味深长意味深長yi4 wei4 shen1 chang2profound/ significant/ meaningful
故作深沉故作深沉gu4 zuo4 shen1 chen2to play the profound thinker
日久岁深日久歲深ri4 jiu3 sui4 shen1to last for an eternity (idiom)
春风深醉的晚上春風深醉的晚上Chun1 feng1 Shen1 zui4 de5 Wan3 shang5Intoxicating Spring Nights, 1924 short story by Yu Dafu 郁達夫|郁达夫[Yu4 Da2 fu1]
景深景深jing3 shen1depth of field
更深更深geng1 shen1deep at night
更深人静更深人靜geng1 shen1 ren2 jing4deep at night and all is quiet (idiom)
根深叶茂根深葉茂gen1 shen1 ye4 mao4deep roots and vigorous foliage (idiom)/ (fig.) well established and growing strongly
根深蒂固根深蒂固gen1 shen1 di4 gu4deep-rooted (problem etc)
杨深秀楊深秀Yang2 Shen1 xiu4Yang Shenxiu (1849-1898), one of the Six Gentlemen Martyrs 戊戌六君子[Wu4 xu1 Liu4 jun1 zi5] of the unsuccessful reform movement of 1898
极深研几極深研幾ji2 shen1 yan2 ji3deep and detailed investigation (idiom)
殊深轸念殊深軫念shu1 shen1 zhen3 nian4extreme solicitude (idiom); expressing the deepest condolences/ to feel deeply concerned




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