
帆 [fan1]


汉字:帆 / 拼音:fan1

fān variant of 帆[fan1]


fan1variant of 帆[fan1]
一帆风顺一帆風順yi1 fan1 feng1 shun4propitious wind throughout the journey (idiom)/ plain sailing/ to go smoothly/ have a nice trip!
力帆力帆Li4 fan1Lifan Group (auto manufacturer in Chongqing)
展帆展帆zhan3 fan1to unfurl (a sail)
fan1sail/ Taiwan pr. [fan2], except 帆布[fan1 bu4] canvas
帆伞帆傘fan1 san3parasail/ parasailing
帆布帆布fan1 bu4canvas/ sailcloth
帆布鞋帆布鞋fan1 bu4 xie2canvas shoes
帆板帆板fan1 ban3sailboard/ windsurfing
帆背潜鸭帆背潛鴨fan1 bei4 qian2 ya1(bird species of China) canvasback (Aythya valisineria)
帆船帆船fan1 chuan2sailboat
张春帆張春帆Zhang1 Chun1 fan1Zhang Chunfan (-1935), late Qing novelist, author of The Nine-tailed Turtle 九尾龜|九尾龟
征帆征帆zheng1 fan1expedition ship
扬帆揚帆yang2 fan1to set sail
扬帆远航揚帆遠航yang2 fan1 yuan3 hang2to set sail on a voyage to a distant place/ (fig.) to undertake a great mission
横桁帆橫桁帆heng2 heng2 fan1boom sail
满帆滿帆man3 fan1under full sail/ going as fast as possible
船帆船帆chuan2 fan1sail
船帆座船帆座Chuan2 fan1 zuo4Vela (constellation)
见风使帆見風使帆jian4 feng1 shi3 fan1lit. see the wind and set your sails (idiom); fig. to act pragmatically/ to be flexible and take advantage of the situation
转帆轉帆zhuan3 fan1to tack (of sailing ship)/ to jibe/ to go about
风帆風帆feng1 fan1sail/ sailing boat
fan1to gallop/ Taiwan pr. [fan2]/ variant of 帆[fan1]
驾帆船駕帆船jia4 fan1 chuan2sailing



2021-05-01, 476👍, 0💬