五劳七伤 [wu3 lao2 qi1 shang1]
简体:五劳七伤 / 繁体:五劳七伤 / 拼音:wu3 lao2 qi1 shang1
中文 |
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英文 | (TCM) "five strains and seven impairments", five referring to the five viscera 五臟|五脏[wu3 zang4], and seven to adverse effects on one's body as a result of: overeating (spleen), anger (liver), moisture (kidney), cold (lung), worry (heart), wind and rain (outer appearance) and fear (mind) |
2021-04-05, 385👍, 0💬
简体:威逼利诱 / 繁体:威逼利诱 / 拼音:wei1 bi1 li4 you4
简体:令人满意 / 繁体:令人满意 / 拼音:ling4 ren2 man3 yi4
简体:神差鬼使 / 繁体:神差鬼使 / 拼音:shen2 chai1 gui3 shi3
简体:五香粉 / 繁体:五香粉 / 拼音:wu3 xiang1 fen3
简体:光磁 / 繁体:光磁 / 拼音:guang1 ci2