IP [I P]
简体:IP / 繁体:IP / 拼音:I P
中文 |
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英文 | intellectual property (in China, esp. since 2015, often used as an entertainment industry term for a creative work used as the basis of a new product, such as a manga adapted as a tv series, or the image of a cartoon character appearing on merchandise) |
2021-04-05, 304👍, 0💬
简体:讨人喜欢 / 繁体:讨人喜欢 / 拼音:tao3 ren2 xi3 huan5
简体:乱画 / 繁体:乱画 / 拼音:luan4 hua4
简体:蜇 / 繁体:蜇 / 拼音:zhe1
简体:挠 / 繁体:挠 / 拼音:nao2
简体:吴三桂 / 繁体:吴三桂 / 拼音:Wu2 San1 gui4