
被 [bei4]


汉字:被 / 拼音:bei4

bèi quilt/ by/ (indicates passive-voice clauses)/ (literary) to cover/ to meet with/ (coll.) (since c. 2009) used before a verb that does not accurately represent what actually happened, to describe with black humor how sb or sth was dealt with by the authorities (as in 被自殺|被自杀[bei4 zi4 sha1])


一年被蛇咬十年怕井绳一年被蛇咬十年怕井繩yi1 nian2 bei4 she2 yao3 shi2 nian2 pa4 jing3 sheng2bitten by a snake in one year, fears the well rope for ten years (idiom); once bitten twice shy
一朝被蛇咬,十年怕井绳一朝被蛇咬,十年怕井繩yi1 zhao1 bei4 she2 yao3 , shi2 nian2 pa4 jing3 sheng2once bitten by a snake, ten years in fear of a well rope/ once bitten, twice shy (idiom)
包被包被bao1 bei4peridium (envelope or coat of fungi, e.g. puffballs)
原被告原被告yuan2 bei4 gao4plaintiff and defendant/ prosecution and defense (lawyers)
垫被墊被dian4 bei4mattress
失信被执行人失信被執行人shi1 xin4 bei4 zhi2 xing2 ren2(law) judgement defaulter (person who has failed to fulfill obligations set forth in a written court judgement, such as paying compensation to sb, despite having the means to do so)/ debt dodger
棉被棉被mian2 bei4comforter/ quilt/ CL:條|条[tiao2],面[mian4]
植被植被zhi2 bei4vegetation/ plant cover
聪明反被聪明误聰明反被聰明誤cong1 ming2 fan3 bei4 cong1 ming2 wu4a clever person may become the victim of his own ingenuity (idiom); cleverness may overreach itself/ too smart for one's own good
花被花被hua1 bei4perianth (common term for calyx and corolla)/ border and protecting envelope of a flower
bei4quilt/ by/ (indicates passive-voice clauses)/ (literary) to cover/ to meet with/ (coll.) (since c. 2009) used before a verb that does not accurately represent what actually happened, to describe with black humor how sb or sth was dealt with by the authorities (as in 被自殺|被自杀[bei4 zi4 sha1])
被上诉人被上訴人bei4 shang4 su4 ren2appellee (side that won in trial court, whose victory is being appealed by losing side)
被侵害被侵害bei4 qin1 hai4stricken
被保人被保人bei4 bao3 ren2insured person/ insurance policyholder
被优化掉被優化掉bei4 you1 hua4 diao4lit. to be optimized away/ to be fired/ to be the victim of downsizing
被剥削者被剝削者bei4 bo1 xue1 zhe3person suffering exploitation/ the workers in Marxist theory
被动被動bei4 dong4passive
被动免疫被動免疫bei4 dong4 mian3 yi4passive immunity
被动吸烟被動吸煙bei4 dong4 xi1 yan1second-hand smoking/ passive smoking
被告被告bei4 gao4defendant
被告人被告人bei4 gao4 ren2defendant (in legal case)
被和谐被和諧bei4 he2 xie2to be "harmonized" i.e. censored
被单被單bei4 dan1(bed) sheet/ envelope for a padded coverlet/ CL:床[chuang2]
被执行人被執行人bei4 zhi2 xing2 ren2(law) person required to fulfill obligations set forth in a written court judgement (e.g. to pay compensation to sb)
被套被套bei4 tao4quilt cover/ to have money stuck (in stocks, real estate etc)
被子被子bei4 zi5quilt/ CL:床[chuang2]
被子植物被子植物bei4 zi3 zhi2 wu4angiosperm (flowering plants with seed contained in a fruit)
被子植物门被子植物門bei4 zi3 zhi2 wu4 men2angiospermae (phylum of flowering plants with seed contained in a fruit)
被害人被害人bei4 hai4 ren2victim
被害者被害者bei4 hai4 zhe3victim (of a wounding or murder)




2021-04-27, 629👍, 0💬