
妙 [miao4]


汉字:妙 / 拼音:miao4

miào clever/ wonderful


不妙不妙bu4 miao4(of a turn of events) not too encouraging/ far from good/ anything but reassuring
佳妙佳妙jia1 miao4wonderful/ beautiful (calligraphy)
奇妙奇妙qi2 miao4fantastic/ wonderful
奥妙奧妙ao4 miao4marvelous/ mysterious/ profound/ marvel/ wonder
miao4clever/ wonderful
妙不可言妙不可言miao4 bu4 ke3 yan2too wonderful for words
妙品妙品miao4 pin3a fine work of art
妙在不言中妙在不言中miao4 zai4 bu4 yan2 zhong1the charm lies in what is left unsaid (idiom)
妙妙熊历险记妙妙熊歷險記Miao4 miao4 xiong2 Li4 xian3 Ji4Adventures of the Gummi Bears (Disney animated series)
妙手妙手miao4 shou3miraculous hands of a healer/ highly skilled person/ brilliant move in chess or weiqi (go) 圍棋|围棋
妙手回春妙手回春miao4 shou3 hui2 chun1magical hands bring the dying back to life (idiom); miracle cure/ brilliant doctor
妙手空空妙手空空miao4 shou3 kong1 kong1petty thief (lit. quick fingered and vanish)/ empty-handed/ having nothing
妙招妙招miao4 zhao1smart move/ clever way of doing sth
妙探寻凶妙探尋兇Miao4 tan4 xun2 xiong1Cluedo (board game)
妙智慧妙智慧miao4 zhi4 hui4wondrous wisdom and knowledge (Buddhism)
妙法妙法miao4 fa3brilliant plan/ ingenious method/ perfect solution
妙法莲华经妙法蓮華經Miao4 fa3 Lian2 hua2 Jing1The Lotus Sutra
妙笔妙筆miao4 bi3talented, gifted or ingenious writing
妙笔生花妙筆生花miao4 bi3 sheng1 hua1gifted or skillful writing
妙处妙處miao4 chu4ideal place/ suitable location/ merit/ advantage
妙计妙計miao4 ji4excellent plan/ brilliant scheme
妙语妙語miao4 yu3witticism
妙语如珠妙語如珠miao4 yu3 ru2 zhu1sparkling with wit (idiom)
妙语横生妙語橫生miao4 yu3 heng2 sheng1to be full of wit and humor
妙语连珠妙語連珠miao4 yu3 lian2 zhu1sparkling with wit (idiom)
妙趣妙趣miao4 qu4witty/ clever/ amusing
妙趣横生妙趣橫生miao4 qu4 heng2 sheng1endlessly interesting (idiom)/ very witty
妙龄妙齡miao4 ling2(of a girl) in the prime of youth
婉妙婉妙wan3 miao4sweet/ soft/ lovely (of sounds and voices)
巧妙巧妙qiao3 miao4ingenious/ clever/ ingenuity/ artifice




2021-04-20, 473👍, 0💬